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Song of the Chapter: Perfect - Ed Sheeran


Aimee's POV

On Wednesday morning, I wake up trying to roll around in my bed. Two strong arms, however, prevent me from doing so. I slowly open my eyes, looking down at my waist where Lando's arms are resting. I try to wiggle myself loose a bit, so I can turn around and see him.

I'm wearing the tee he was wearing when he surprised me last night. His smell still in there, calming my body a bit. I look at his face, his features very calm. I close my eyes again, taking in this amazing moment, leaning into his chest.

I dozed of again, Lando waking me up later that morning with a small kiss on my forehead. "Good morning." He whispers as I slowly open my eyes.

"Good morning." I look into his bright eyes, a blush creeping upon my face.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks, not breaking eye contact.

"I did, did you?" I return the question, knowing he must be a little jet lagged.

"It was perfect." He answers, placing a quick kiss on my cheek.

We just cuddled last night, with the occasional kiss here and there. I am falling for him, even harder than I had anticipated. Kissing him is definitely not something I will get used too. My body keeps going crazy every time he looks at me or touches me.

We just lay there in bed, Lando's arms around me still, enjoying the moment.

"So what's the plan, there's no concert tonight is there?" Lando asks breaking the silence.

"Nope, there's not." I say, leaning into him a bit more. "Tomorrow and Friday night are the Boston concerts. I do have to do rehearsals later today, you can come I guess."

"That'd be great." He says, giving me a small smile.

We took it slow for the end of the morning and beginning of the afternoon. Pretty much continuing where we left off yesterday evening. Talking about everything and nothing. Lando really invested in the tour and how that's going. He even admitted he struggled a bit to focus on me while he was still driving. Very aware that he had to focus on himself as well. I have told him I did not matter, I had really enjoyed our calls during the race weekends. We had found a rhythm that worked for the both of us.

"Can I take you out again tonight?" Lando suddenly asks, as we're talking about when he has to return to McLaren.

"I'd like that." I say, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks. "But we need to go make our way to the arena in thirty minutes, or else I'll be late. And Tony will kill me if I'm late. Time is precious during a tour."

"That's fine, let me go get changed. Come to my room when you're ready?" He asks, before grabbing his phone and room key and walks out of the room.

"I will." I say, walking over to my suitcase. Ruffling through it, looking for my workout clothes. Aware that I will not be doing a full walk through in leggings and a sports bra today, that's for sure. I put on some leggings, a sports bra and tank top. Grabbing my coat as well, aware that Boston is chilly this time of the year.

I grab my bag pack as well, throwing in some clean clothes, a towel, a water bottle, my room key and phone before walking out of my room, closing the door behind me. I knock on the door next to mine, having learnt that Lando is staying in the room next to me. I knock twice, not thinking about it, but I'm sure Lando realises that it's me who's knocking.

"I'm coming." His voice sounds from the other side of the door, leaving me in the hallway for a few moments, before opening the door. He's still brushing his hair, having changed into some Quadrant hoodie and a pair of jeans. "We'll come back here after your rehearsal right?" He asks.

"Don't ask me, you're the one taking me on a date." I say with a chuckle. "But yes, I'd prefer to get back here, so I can shower and get ready properly."

We're about to walk toward the elevators, when Ava catches up with us. "Loads of fans at the entrance." She states, and I can feel my heart sinking a bit. Afraid that this could mean Lando wouldn't be able to come. "Both of yours actually, it's chaos. We're leaving through the back. I've arranged for a vehicle with blinded windows."

I just nod, happy that there is a way for us to take Lando to the arena anyway. "Thanks Ava." I say, following her to the elevator taking it to the second floor, before making our way to a pair of stairs that's taking us to the staff exit.

"Sometimes I wish I was just an ordinary person." I say, looking at the crowd at the entrance from behind the tinted windows.

"You seem ordinary to me." Lando says with a small smile.

"You know what I mean. I just wish people wouldn't bug me every where I go."

"So do I, but we'll make it work." Lando says, placing a hand on my knee. "It's alright, I don't mind the attention, if you hadn't noticed already."

"Gosh, you sound like someone who would like to be in the spotlight all day everyday. That is if I hadn't known you any better. I am very much aware of the fact that you would also like to spend a day away from the media." I say matter of factly, as we pull up to the arena.

"So what are we going to do here?" Lando asks as we're walking backstage.

"We are not going to do anything. You can take a seat somewhere in the arena. I will do a full run through of my concert. Before doing some other songs that might need some attention." I explain to Lando, walking up to one of the technicians, who's already preparing my mic.

"You can come with me," Ava signals to Lando, taking him to the seats.

I wait patiently until the technicians have finished all settings, handing me my in ears and microphone. All I've got to do now is wait for Tony, who is quick to appear.

"Why didn't you tell me Lando freaking Norris was going to be here?" He hisses.

"Because I didn't know until last night." I explain simply, thinking back about Lando showing up unannounced.

"Well a surprise trip from Lando to visit you, if I didn't know better I would believe all the gossip of you two dating." He says with a chuckle, before telling me it was time to take the stage for the run through.

I make my way through the set list, stealing a glance at Lando every now and then. I also look at Tony every once in a while, who is seated in the far back of the arena. Taking notes on how the show appears back there. After we have done a run through of the whole show, Tony comes back down to the stage. Giving me some time to catch my breath. When he arrives he explains to me that there are five songs that are not looking as he had hoped, getting my back ground dancers back on the stage to rehearse those songs again.

It takes us almost 5 hours to do everything, all the while Lando was sitting in the arena. He was always watching me whenever I'd glance at his direction, but I'm sure he was spending quite some time on his phone as well. He must've been, because I can understand that it gets a bit boring just watching me rehearse.

I can feel my muscles being exhausted after the rehearsal we just had, when I walk to Lando.

"I'm sorry it took this long." I admit, looking at the ground. I feel sorry for the fact that he had to endure this for five freaking hours. If everything would've been perfect we would've been out the door within a few hours. 

"Don't worry, it's remarkable to see how many work goes into a show. I would've never known, if I hadn't seen this today. Also it gave me the chance to chat a bit with fans on Instagram." He admits, a small smile on his face. I look at him getting lost in his eyes. Before Ava interrupts us, making us break eye contact.

"Are you two ready to go back?" She asks, and we both nod.

"I just have to get my bag real quick." I say as the three of us make our way to the dressing room.

Sorry for this filler chapter, but I barely had time to write. Also I don't have any other chapters ready, so hoping that I've got time to write somewhere today. But please beware that there might not be a chapter tomorrow, I'm gonna try my best though.

Edited 5/12/2023

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