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Song of the Chapter: 10:35 by Tiesto & Tate McRae


"Let me get changed, and then we can go." I tell Lando as we're standing in front of my room. I'm extremely tired after the long rehearsal we just had. However, I am still excited to go on a date with Lando.

"That's okay." He says, leaning against the wall. "Take as much time as you need."

I open the door to my room, my eyes immediately fall on a neatly prepared dinner table. Two cloches already on there. "What's this?" I ask turning around to find Lando still standing there.

"This, this is our date." He says with a small smile. "During rehearsal, I figured you'd be exhausted after. So I asked Ava if she could help arrange this all."

"This is fantastic." I say, grabbing Lando's hand and pulling him into the room. "To be honest, this is the best call you could've made. I'm seriously so tired, I didn't really want to leave the hotel." I admit.

"You're not too tired for dinner, I hope?" He asks leading me over to the table.

"I'm never too tired for food." I say with a small chuckle.

We eat our dinner, chatting away. "So any paddock gossip I need to be aware of?" I ask Lando as we've almost finished.

"So you haven't heard it from me, because it's not out in the open yet. But Charles and Charlotte broke up." He says, making me almost choke on my food.

"They what?" I ask in disbelief, they seemed like the perfect couple. Definitely did not expect that.

"They broke up, yeah. Charles hasn't really touched on the subject, and I'm leaving him be regarding that. But it was a shock for most." Lando says, making me just nod in understanding. I should really call or text Charlotte to catch up. She seemed really nice when I met her in Austin. "So that's why I'm going on an all boys trip with Max, Charles and George next week."

"That's good, help the boy over his heartbreak." I say taking the final bite of my food. We put the plates away on a cart room service had left us, and place it in the hallway. Lando informing the reception that it was ready to be taken. "Did you have anything else planned for tonight?" I ask, taking a seat on the small couch in my room.

"Not really, to be honest. Maybe watch a movie?" He suggests, and we quickly agree on watching a movie on Netflix. Settling on the bed cuddled up together, streaming a movie to the television.


Three days later, Lando and I are standing in the VIP entrance of the Boston Airport. The past few days we had spend together, felt really comfortable. It was great to get to know each other a lot better. Truthfully, it feels like we've known each other for much longer than we actually have.

"You'll still come for the final concert right?" I ask Lando, as we're about to say goodbye. Him leaving to go and spent some time with the boys, me continuing on my tour.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." He says, smiling at me. I lean in, letting him wrap his arms around me, giving me the hug I was longing for.

"Good, I wouldn't want you to miss it." I admit, while still leaning against his chest. I can feel his lip on top of my head. Placing a light kiss on my hair. We just stand there for a while, enjoying each other's embrace. Enjoying the final moments we can spent together for the coming almost two months.

"You'll be here for Christmas too?" He asks, as we're releasing the grip on each other a bit. I hadn't really made any plans for Christmas. It's the one week where I've got no obligations, whatsoever. But I know I wasn't planning on doing anything with my family. My parents going on a trip just the two of them.

"Not sure yet, why?" I ask looking at him.

"I don't know if it's even possible, but I'd love to spend Christmas and New Year's with you." He says, his cheeks turning a little pink.

"I'd like that. Let me just see what I can do?" I ask, not even sure what his plans are. "What were you thinking?"

"Well, I know most of the Monaco based drivers are planning on getting together for New Year's. But Christmas, I was going to spend that with my family." He says. "I understand if you feel like it is too soon. But it already feels like you're family and I really want to spent the holidays with you."

I just look at him, aware that flying all the way across the world for a celebration seems excessive to me. Formula one drivers do it all the time. "I don't know if I can get there." I say, aware of all the logistics involved. "Tour ends the second week of January, I'm also not that certain if I want the jet lag again." I feel like I'm making up excuses and Lando can tell.

"Hey, don't worry." He says, placing a hand on either side of my face. "We've got our own lives alright? You don't need to come if you don't feel like it. I get that you might need some rest to rewind a bit by then. Do that." I look at him, tears prickling in my eyes. It's not often, I meet someone that cares about me and my (mental) health as much. "We'll have many more holidays to come, hopefully. We can spend those together."

I quickly wipe my tears away, as does Lando. Moving his thumb over my cheeks, to remove the final tears. "Okay, but we will still talk right?" I ask, suddenly scared he won't talk to me anymore.

"Didn't you listen?" He asks, referring to what he had just said. "I'm hoping there'll be many more holidays we can spend together. Aimee, I like you. I like you a lot, not spending Christmas together is not going to change that." He looks right at my eyes, not breaking eye contact while he says that.

"I like you too." Is all I can manage to say, before Lando presses his lips on mine. He's done that countless times in the last couple of days. Every time, my stomach does these little flips. Butterflies going crazy in there.

We're interrupted by one of the airport employees telling Lando he has to leave in order to catch his flight. Which ended up being a quick goodbye, even though we just had spend over thirty minutes saying goodbye to one another.

I walk out of the terminal, and get into the car Ava had rented. "So, are you guys official?" She asks as I get into the car.

I can feel my cheeks burning up, nerves going through my body. I don't even know the answer. We never put a name on it.


edited 5/12/2023

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