walks in the garden

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The queen's place was cleared. Not much conversation was given throughout the dinner, all she really did was look at Timothée, which weirdly calmed the woman. She stood from her place, just as Timothée's grandmother did. The pair bid the group goodbye and walked towards the courtyard. The queen was nervous. She did not feel prepared, and without someone here to balance her out she bit the inside of her cheek. For once in her life, the queen was scared.

"So, y/n dear, you are quite a lovely looking lady. My grandson is lucky." Azalea Chalamet smiled slightly.

You smile at her politely. "Thank you." You nod.

"Speaking of Timothée, why did you agree to marry him?" She asks. Very straight to the point. That was fine, you wouldn't want her to beat around the bush.

You walk through the garden, you keep your eyes straight ahead. "Well, you see, the North is planning on engaging in a war against us. If I married Timothée, my kingdom would have the extra cavalry we would need. I care so much for my people, and the idea of seeing them hurt makes me upset." You say, not a single word of that was a lie. And you weren't sure if that was a good thing.

"I see, for no other reason then? Not because you liked him, or found him attractive?" The woman stares at you, her eyes boring holes into you. Part of you thinks you should lie, on behalf of your mother.

Instead, you told the truth. "Actually, I-I think your grandson is an ass. I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm head over heals, just like all the towns women Timothée walks past. I'm not going to lie to you and say I don't find him handsome, or good looking. I'm not going to lie to you and say I don't think he's obnoxious and annoying. I am not going to say he isn't attractive, he is very attractive. But I am not attracted to him. Does that make sense?" You twist your fingers in front of you.

She chuckles. "That makes perfect sense, my dear. There were a lot of men who found me quite beautiful in my day." She was a narcissist. Amazing, you thought with a grin. "I appreciate your honesty. If there was another woman here by my side she would talk up my grandson, like he was a god that fell from the heavens. I like you, you're sharp." She smiles and points a finger at you. "So, you are a woman marrying not only a man you just met, but a man you dislike."

"Ironic, but yes."

"All for your kingdom?"

"All for my kingdom." You repeat, flapping your hands by your side. Dammit this corset was crushing you.

"My grandson doesn't deserve you, but I approve." She smiles. "You know, Lillian despised Freddie when they wed, look at them now. I have a hunch," Azalea adjusts her glasses. "In short time, your hatred will dissolve to love, and 'attractive' will become 'attracted'."

You laugh. "Hah! Never."

"I've never been wrong dear. Never." She crosses her arms.

"Allow me to be the first." You sigh.

She chuckles just as a harsh wind blows by. "Let's go back inside. Tell everyone the news. I approve you to marry Timothée."

"Hurrah." You eye roll.

You walk back into the castle. Even with your little cloak on it was freezing out. Just as you walk through the door, your mother and Lillian shoot up. "Well?" They ask together.

Fredrick pops his head in from another room, and you can even see Timothée's shoes as he leans against the banister atop the stairs, your ribs felt like they were cracking. Azalea folds her hands behind her. "Y/n has my blessing to marry Timothée." She smiles.

The Arrangement {Timothée Chalamet x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now