good girl

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Ok so fyi there is like a flirty scene in this chapter in case you need a warning to prepare yourselves

The queen stood before her friends, nervously chewing at her nails. She was getting married tomorrow, and since yesterday the king had not responded to her letter. She now stood before her maids, the women tailoring the white cloth hanging off her body. Her friends stand beside her also having clothes fit their builds. She should be having fun with her friends, but instead she was dwelling on the blue envelope.

The very blue envelope slides under your door. You stare at it, unsure of what to do. You pick it up and open the door. Timothée is standing there, arms crossed. You stare at him, what was there to say?

"Here." He holds out his own envelope.

You take it and hold it close to your heart. "Thank you." You say, looking up at him. He nods at you and turns away. You close the door and stare at the green paper. Should you wait for Penny and Kris? No, they were down in the kitchens, who knew how long they'd take. You tear open the envelope and stare at Timothée's curly hand writing.


You do have a way with words I must say. I appreciate your honesty.

We are getting married tomorrow, which is bizarre to me, I can only imagine it's weirder for you.

I don't even know if you meant to give me your letter, but I love your words.

If we're both being honest, I think you're right, everything does happen for a reason.

Clearly I'm not a very good writer, I'm better at deflecting my feelings than admitting to them at all but I've had something for you. I guess I just didn't know what that feeling was before your letter. It's ironic isn't it? We've hated each other for a long while and here we are writing confession letters. Or whatever you want to call it. I think we should see each other, before the wedding. Talk to each other for real.

You don't have to but I'll be waiting in the courtyard in fifteen minutes if you want to join me.

Forever yours,


You read the writing twice over. Well, you didn't have anything better to do. You put the letter back into the envelope and close it into your hat box. Fifteen minutes. You pull on a dress and cloak, you clean yourself up. Putting on a little bit of makeup and doing up your hair. You walk down the steps and into the garden. You can see him standing there peacefully, his crown glinting in the moon.

You appear beside him. "Hello." You say calmly.

He turns to look at you. "Hi."

"I liked your letter." You say softly.

"I liked your letter as well." He smiles.

You stare at him nervously, chewing on your bottom lip. "What do we do now?" You ask quietly.

"Whatever you want my dear." His smile makes your knees weak.

"We should talk." You look away from him.

"Of course, we should discuss our feelings." He stares at you.

"Don't say that." You scoff. "But yes, we should. Not here though." You take his wrist and drag him away. You're in the garden.

"So, we can agree we both have a thing for each other?" He was so forward. "You made it quiet clear in your letter."

"No! Well yes, but no, Timothée! I fancy you, sure but we're getting married tomorrow. I don't want to get married to you, I'm just not ready. It's difficult because I like you quiet a bit despite your boyish acts, it merely feels forced at this point. Like there is no room for true feelings, it feels like our job is to rule, create life, nothing more nothing less. Maybe in another life, I'm sorry." Your lower lip trembles slightly.

"So then let's not get married." He says simply.

"Hah, yes that sounds likely." You scowl.

"I'm serious! We can get married but not married. You know, we'll be married to the outside world but it'll be our little secret. We can take it slow! I know you want to." He wiggles his shoulders at you.

Your face flushes. "Our little secret?" You whisper.

Timothée pinches your cheeks in between his fingers. "Yes, only for us to know." His voice is low, it brightens your cheeks.

"Okay, I can work with that." You lean your face closer to his.

"Good girl, I'm glad." He kisses the corner of your mouth. You melt like butter at his touch, he smiles at you. This damn guy. He checks his watch, "it's late, wouldn't want you to miss your beauty sleep." He teases. You wriggle from his grip and smack him. "Hey!" He pouts.

You turn and walk back to the castle, waving your hand above your head. "Goodnight Timothée."

"He called you 'good girl'!?" Kris screeches. They've got three maids working on them, on their makeup or their hair.

"Yes." You scowl.

"Oh jeez, that man needs Jesus." Penny shakes her head, she's reading while a woman paints her toenails. "You know we should totally kill the shitter."

"Penny, jail is no fun." Kris scolds.

"And you've been to jail?" You ask. Women are messing with your hair and painting your fingernails.

Kris nods. "Once, in monopoly."





The Arrangement {Timothée Chalamet x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now