card games

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Despite the lingering pain, the queen felt at peace. She sat up in her bed and played cards with the king. Except, he was not the king and she was not the queen. Crowns were off, and they were just two people enjoying each other's company.

You had played tons of games with Timothée. Lots of new games that you had never played before. Timothée was patient with you while he teaches you the rules.

You put down a card. "Uno." You say. Timothée curses and you whip your head up. You giggle and he flushes. Timothée plays his card causing you to pick up a new one. You play it, "uno." You repeat. He makes a face at you. He plays again, you pick up two more cards. You play your second card and you're back to one.

When you glance up and Timothée is frowning. You set your card face down on the little table. "What's wrong?" You ask. "And I know it's not the fact that I have beaten you eleven times." He looks up at you, and sighs. He squints slightly and sets down a card. "Timothée..." You draw out his name.

His eyebrows draw together. "Why did you do it?" He doesn't look at you as he speaks. "I should be the one here," he gestures around. "Why did you step in front of me you could've died, and because I didn't realize you're all hurt. It's all-"

"It's not your fault." You say firmly. "I chose to do what I did."


You flinch at his question. Why? Why did you jump in front of him? "Reflexes." You say with a shrug even though you knew that wasn't right.

"Y/n-" he starts.

"Timothée, if put in that situation again and I knew the outcome. I'd do it again." You say truthfully. His eyes gleam and you set down your card. "I win."

You're woken up by sharp pains in your ribs and chest. Holy shit it hurt. Your breathing is rapid and heavy. You cover your mouth and nose to keep sobs from breaking through. Timothée is asleep, his head unintentionally resting on your thighs. You swallow hard and squeeze your eyes shut. You couldn't make a noise. If you did you could wake up the sleeping man. The pain was getting worse. A sob slips through your fingers. You groan and Timothée stirs. You close your eyes hoping he doesn't wake up. He lifts his head. Damn it.

Timothée stares at you, quietly. You stare at him, a deep frown etched into your face. He notices the watery lines that have run down your cheeks. Gently he holds your wrists and pulls your hands off of your lips. "Are you okay?" He whispers.

You open your mouth to say something but swallow your words. You just sigh and hold your rib cage.

"Right. Okay. What do you want me to do?" He's talking very low, you can barely hear him.

"I don't know." You sob.

He rises and sits up beside you. Your hands shake as you hold your puppy stuffy close. "Y/n..." He whispers.

He holds your face and wipes your tears away, he puffs out his cheeks and you stare at him nervously. He loosens his fingers but you slap your hands over his. You chew your bottom lip and he stares at you in the dark. "Timothée, I'm really sorry I've been so mean to you." You say. "You're an ass but...I shouldn't have...been rude." You pause in between your words to gasp for air.

"You were rude? Y/n I was an asshole. I'm-"

You cut him off as a horrible pain shoots through you. You arch your back and tilt your head until your nose points at the roof. You cry out as you squeeze Timothée's hands in between your palms. He doesn't say anything, he wasn't sure what he could do to help you. You stare up at the roof, eyes blurred with tears. "Y/n..." Timothée whispers after a while. You don't say anything, you just tip your head forwards until your forehead presses against his. You stare at him through your eyebrows and his green eyes look back at yours.

Something in the back of your mind shouted at you angrily to get back, go back to bed and suck it up. But there was something small in the deepest part of your heart that said otherwise. Your noses touch and your heart skips. Did you really want this? Was this just a coping mechanism to forget about the ache in your body? Or was this what you had unknowingly wanted since you saw those green eyes.

Your lips brush Timothée's. Just for a moment, a half second even. But you still pull your face back. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Your cheeks are hotter than a stove. Timothée looks away. You chew on your lower lip.

You lie back down and stare at the roof.

Nothing else is said.








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