part 3

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"я не знал что в этой школе есть и другие русские говорители" (I didn't know that there were other russian speakers in this school) a boy with ginger hair said behind you.

you turned around and saw a rather tall individual with ginger hair. you saw him around the school, but never knew his name, moreover that he knew russian.

"ну что, милая, ты тоже из россии?" (tell me, cutie, are you from russia as well?) 

"just because i'm from a slavic country it doesn't i'm russian" you switched back to english. "and it is not very pog of you to eavesdrop on people who don't even know who you are"

"oh, the little guy knows me, we are the best of friends actually" he said while having a stupid grin on his face "but YOU not knowing ME. i'm utterly hurt"

you just watched him already not liking the loudness in his voice. who the fuck is so energetic on their first day of school at 8 fucking in the morning.

"thanks for asking, i'm childe, but soon to be yours" the so named childe said while winking at you.

you just started flabbergasted, completely not expecting that, and said the one thing every girl says when she is unwillingly hit on. "i appreciate your effort, but i'm not into guys."

you saw his face drop in embarrassment but he quickly regained his composure. "well that was not very pog of me, may i at least buy lunch for you to make it up for my mistake?"

"I'm sorry but I don't think I have the time to go to the cafeteria, I need to go outside to ... do ... things"

"wait you mean smoke? girlie, ты можешь меня доверять" (you can trust me) he said as he pat your back "c'mon, let's go, you just made yourself a new smoking buddy"

you didn't say anything but let him come with you, it couldn't be such a bad idea, right? right, first you had to deal with a angry hu tao because you yet again skipped a meal.

"y/n, I swear to the sweet mother of celestia I will take your tongue and strangle you with it, WILL YOU ANSWER YOUR GODDAMN PHONE FOR ONCE IN YOUR PATHETIC LIFE?" heizou said as soon as you approached the group.

"now, my dear friend, I would have feel threatened if you weren't an atheist" you said as you took a seat on the school rooftop near a sleeping albedo.

"omg same, i'm also in the "jesus deserved short hair" gang, and my, who is this sleeping beauty?" childe from behind you said, referring to albedo.

"and my, who is this new pack of organs talking?" hu tao said in her usual sarcastic manner.

"i don't really think you want my lungs best friend, they are blacker than the definition of emo"

"nor his dick, my pinkie is longer than it" ayaka said, while lighting up her cig.

"I don't think you should be talking missy, and what is it that you have in your hand?"

"what? never saw the class president smoke?"

"actually I didn't" he said as he started looking through his pockets. "shit I forgot my pack, I'll be right back" he said as walked towards the other side of the roof.

as you were watching where he was going, you saw him approach scaramouche and xiao, who were rolling some joints. they exchanged a few words, until you saw xiao get annoyed and stand up, and then childe backed away and came back to you.

"fucking bastards, weren't taught that sharing is caring" he said while having the most ridiculous frown.

"you should have asked me for one" you gave him one, from your not so new pack from scaramouche, as you already smoked one yesterday.

"thanks girlie, wait, are these from the little angry dude from over there?" he said quite shocked.

"how the fuck did you know?" you asked confused.

"they have capsules, and he always puts capsules in him cigs, blueberry flavoured to be more specific, how did he gave them to you?"

"it's a long story, but it looks like you are not such best buddies if he became so annoyed with your presence"

"best friends? please, I myself saw him nearly jump for childe's throat today morning in the boys bathroom" kazuha said.

"it's ... complicated"

"im all ears"

"it's a long story"

"oh fuck you, you have 2 minutes to finish it until you will be left here alone and be late to class." you said.

"yes childe, hurry up." albedo said, who woke up not so long ago.

"wait you know him? i never knew his name until like 10 minutes ago."

"yes, we have a friend in common, kaeya if you have heard of him"

"of course, the masculine version of water girl, he was the one to host the party from yesterday" you said.

"water what? I will not tolerate this kind of slander towards my baby waby paby boo boo girl." childe said, indignated.

"shut up ginger, you just have me 3 different kinds of ear diseases and cancer and I have seen you just for 2 mintes" albedo said annoyed.

"ooh gay jelly, I see, your boyfriend is off limits for me, so don't worry"

"what the fuck? we are not dating-"

all their bickering became muffled as you watched scaramouche leave the rooftop. you were trying to replay the last night's events. it was the first time you to interactoned, yet, it was kind of ... affectionate? it clearly wasn't nothing, yet again you both were drunk.

the ringing of the bell caught you all by surprise because no one noticed when the time flew by.

the seven of you hurried towards each of your classrooms, and you had to rush towards the english one, which was on the other part of the school.

you were running with no one in sight on the halls, when suddenly you were pulled inside an empty classroom.

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