part 30

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"can you two be fucking quiet these walls are paper thin."

"we are breaking up, i don't care" you said turning away.

"y/n, you can't do this just because--" scaramouche said but you didn't let him finish.

"no, i don't want to hear you, LALALALALA" you covered your ears trying to escape this madness.

"are you sure she is 17?" xiao said from beside your boyfriend to which scaramouche sighed and removed your hands.

"you won't ignore me just because i said i prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate ice cream" he said as he held your arms tightly so you won't escape to act childish again.

"oh i WILL. what kind of MONSTER am i dating that he likes vanilla ice cream, it is so gross, so sweet, no i don't want to think about it" you said closing your eyes.

(a/n: sorry for all vanilla ice cream lovers lol)

"okay you buy vanilla ice cream and your girlfriend buys chocolate ice cream, it isn't that hard is it?" the cashier said, already tired of your group's bullshit, considering hu tao needed 10 minutes to pick what ice cream flavour she wanted and heizou tried all the samples before choosing.

"if you eat vanilla ice cream i'm not kissing you for a week" you understood you were just not making any sense at all, usually you wouldn't mind the vanilla flavour if you didn't have to eat it, but today you just felt extra dramatic.

"..." scaramouche looked at the vendor clearly not enjoying taking so much from this poor man's time. "two chocolate ice creams please" and you could feel the sweet nice adrenaline from winning forming inside you.

"suck it, loser" you said in the most mocking tone ever, proud of yourself.

"my, my, y/n what are all these words coming out of your mouth" a voice you hoped you won't hear anytime soon rang in your ears.

"and suddenly i am so interested in this random boutique oh my god, i never noticed it's hidden artistic architecture" heizou said and did a 180° turn back to leave.

"heizou, my son! how lovely to finally get to chat with you" your mom said putting a very (un)friendly hand on your friend's shoulder. "you've grown so much, i remember you since you used to cry over a broken mirror because you thought it would bring you bad luck"

"haha, yeah, what good old times, a shame i don't recall such happenings, how old was i and y/n when you left her? hmm, let me think--"

"alright, i get it, i left my daughter after i divorced her father, so what the big deal?!" your mother exploded seeing that nobody is really happy of her presence.

"left her? no ma'am you abandoned her without a word for many, many years" hu tao said without realizing how harsh it sounded.

"excuse me? i did not abandon her, you stupid child, i did try to reach out to her but it was to no avail!" and there she was, starting to overly defend herself.

"reach out to her? if you mean insistently asking her father for money just because you were not able to keep a job for more than two weeks because of your petty personality then, yeah, maybe" xiao said without any filter.

"xiao, my dear, does your mother know that you are badmouthing me?" she said with a fake ass smile.

"yeah, she does as well actually" to which ayaka snickered from beside him.

"read the room lady, if you are searching for any support from your daughter's friends so she will somehow forgive you after leaving her for god knows how many years, you can go, she has already forgiven you because she doesn't even care about you" albedo said wanting to go to the amusement park faster.

"no, my daughter would never, am I right, y/n?" she turned to you with a hopeful smile.

"you are right, mom"

"see, you little rascals? i know my daughter better than anyone else--"

"shut the fuck up, mom, will you? god, you are so insufferable when you don't let anyone finish whatever they were saying"  you said already fed up with her shit.

"unbelievable! i will shut that dirty mouth of yours even if it means--" she tried slapping you but scaramouche got in front of you just in time and took the hit on his arm instead.

"quiet down, woman. you can't be my mother in law if your own daughter doesn't love you"

"i won't never ever forgive you, nor forget what you did to me as i grew up and after you left, so you better go back wherever you were all this years before i fill in a complaint to the authorities and put a restraining order on you" you said feeling relieved to let her know how you actually felt.

"bye-bye, miss l/n, hope to see you never" kazuha waved while smiling nicely as if he said one of the kindest things the mankind ever heard of and your mom stormed off furiously after understanding that no one is taking her side.

"you okay, girlie?" childe asked as he patted your back in a brotherly way.

"yeah, i'm better than ever" you smiled reassuringly.

"damn and here i thought my day would be so boring" the ice cream vendor said while finishing an ice cream. he clearly enjoyed the drama.

"well you are pretty cute, would you mind giving me your number?" hu tao said as she bent over the counter.

"oh fuck, because of all this bickering our ice creams are becoming more warm than hot" you said disappointed.

"childe's ice cream seems fine" your boyfriend remarked.

"no way i'm putting my mouth on his vanilla ice cream"

but before you could properly imagine the disgusting taste, scaramouche took a bite out of your friend's ice cream and kissed you right after, to which, of course, you were very surprised.

"it doesn't taste that bad, does it?" scaramouche said after pulling away.

"...not if you feed me"

"alright, say less"

"HEY, YOU CHIUAUA, GIVE ME MY ICE CREAM BACK" childe said almost on the verge of tears after getting his ice cream stolen.

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