part 10

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"hello, y/n, I'm sorry, we never really talked much but I really need your help." a feminine voice said from behind you. when you turned around it was ... mona?

everyone turned their heads towards the source of the voice quite bewildered. especially scaramouche.

'wait his ex is here, I gotta start to get our plan somewhere'

"oh hello mona fancy seeing you here, what's wrong? you seem troubled" you said while gently putting your hand on her shoulder.

"um i kind of wanted to speak to you alone if that is not that much of a burden"

you turned around to scaramouche which quickly caught onto what you were thinking and nodded in agreement.

"not at all" you turned around to all your group "i'll see you later guys, bye" you looked at mona and started walking.

"do you wanna skip? this may take a while and the break is almost over" she said.

"oh my god yes, I have maths right now I hate maths."

you two walked to the school's parking lot and found a mini building where the janitor would deposit his things.

"damn this place is pretty comfy, i should come here more often" you said under your breath as you took a seat on a turned bucket.

mona took a seat as well but on the floor while searching for something in her bag. she took out a bottle of vodka. "this is for the dry throats, want some?" she extended the bottle to you while taking a sip.

"hell yeah" you said as you took the bottle. "damn atta girl how did you get this on the school grounds?"

"i have my ways" she said winking.

"fair enough. so what did you want to talk about?" you said as you gave her back the bottle.

"if i am not mistaken, you have dated macson, right?" she said a little bit trying to not stir up nothing but you visibly tensed.

"yeah, why?"

"i kinda need some of your advice. he, uh, how do i put this..."

"take your time, we have a whole period to spare"

"you know how where he gets his money from, right?"

"yea, where are you trying to get with this?"

"well he is losing a lot of money and because of that he gets really angry and frustrated" she said as she pulled down her shirt to uncover her shoulder where a big ugly bruise showed up "and he starts to get his anger out on me"

you looked at her completely shocked, but tried to not overreact and make the mood even worse "honey, that's why you don't date drug dealers, okay? so what are you gonna do now, you are going to break up with him and-"

"i ... can't"


"because he threatened me that if I will break up with him, he will turn himself in with me alongside as an accomplice"

"well are you an accomplice?"

"kind of, i would just leave the stuff where it is supposed to be found, but nothing more"

"did anyone beside macson knew that you were doing this? or were you seen by anyone?"

"no, not that I know"

"so there is no hard evidence that you are in fact an accomplice"

"no but what if he has something that I don't know of, he couldn't just threaten me with nothing solid"

"makes sense. okay what you are gonna do now you are gonna find exactly why is he going downhill"

"wait are you really willing to help me? he did cheat on you with me"

"pardon?" you turned your head abruptly towards her.


"mind repeating that again?"

"you ... didn't know?"

"i knew he cheated on me, that was why I broke up with him, but I didn't knew that it was with you" oh my god the guts this girl had.

"he told me he was single and I was in a really bad mental state and I really belived him. he made me feel ... safe?" she herself couldn't belive what she said.

"let's not talk about the past. we have a problem now and you will be the one to make the first step in your plan, after all, it is your problem"

"right, thank you a lot"

"sure, now that my assistance is not to be needed, I want to have some time alone" you said as you stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"wait but we still have a shit ton of time-"

"did you not hear me?" you barely turned your head to look at her sit back down.

you walked out and went to your class and excused yourself for being late by saying that you got trapped inside the bathroom by incident. the teacher let you take a seat and you took a seat, as usually, next to hu tao.

she passed a note to you which read 'what did she want from you?'

'it's a lot to explain, i will tell you later' you wrote her back to which she frowned. but your phone caught your attention as it made a vibration from a notification.

unknown number

unknown number
hello sweetheart long time no talk

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