chapter 3 - Awakening {Rewritten}

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Alice lewyin POV

As a mother, I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. I had not just one, but two beautiful babies who had filled my life with so much joy and laughter.

As I looked down at Arthur and Rimuru, I couldn't help but marvel at their adorable appearance. They were both so unique in their own way. And I'm not saying this because I'm a doting mother. Of course not.

Rimuru had a head full of blue-silver hair and the most mesmerizing golden eyes. When he was born, we were all shocked and surprised, but it didn't take us long to realize that he must have inherited his stunning looks from one of our ancestors whom we had never met.

Despite his quiet demeanor, Rimuru was more curious than any other baby I had ever seen. He was always reaching out to touch things and explore his surroundings. To my surprise, he was also the only one who played with the little toys we had bought, which showed that he had a love for learning even at such a young age.

Arthur, on the other hand, had a head full of soft brown hair that looked like it had a mind of its own. Despite being just as quiet as Rimuru, Arthur had a maturity beyond his years. From an early age, he would avoid playing with toys and instead spend hours in the study room, poring over books and pretending to read.

As a mother, I knew that I had to be firm with my boys despite their adorable appearance. I couldn't rely on my husband, Reynolds, to teach them proper behavior since he had a tendency to act like a child himself.

I knew that if I didn't correct their behavior early, they could end up like their father. When they were just beginning to crawl, my husband would play with them and even teach them how to fight, which was ridiculous, to say the least.

I was so proud when my boys started crawling, but it also meant that I had to keep a closer eye on them. They were so curious about the world around them and would often spend hours exploring the study room.

We had bought them plenty of toys, but they always seemed to prefer the books and papers in the room. It was strange, but it made me proud that they had a love of learning at such a young age.

THAT, at least was directly opposite of his father, seeing how Reynolds almost gravitates away from texts longer than the weekly newspaper. Looking at how excited they got when we went out to town, I decided to go shopping for food once every other day instead of twice a week.

No no, I told you, I'm not a doting mother. This is for their education of the outside world and for fresh food in the house. Yeah haha . . . that's it.

Although I wasn't expecting twins, I can't imagine my life without them right now. It was hard at first, but now they are the most important thing in my life, and I wished that peace would last forever.

One of the most memorable moments in my life was when Art said "mama" for the first time. I was so excited that I forced him to say it again and again, just to make sure my ears weren't deceiving me.

I could see the frustration on Rey's face as he tried to get Art to say "dada," which made me feel a little victorious. But my joy was short-lived when Rimuru also said "dada" soon after.

In the end, they reversed roles, Art saying "dada," and Rimuru saying "mama." It was as if they had planned it, giving each other a knowing smile that only they could understand.

To our relief, Little Art and Ri never got sick, but oftentimes, I would find them sitting still on their butt while closing their eyes. At first, I thought they were having trouble relieving themselves, but after checking the first couple of times, that didn't seem to be the case.

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