Side chapter - Sylvie Human Form

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Alice Leywin POV

Tabitha's delicate features were etched with a mixture of concern and confusion as she posed the question that had been on all of our minds. "What do you think Ri wants?"

I could only offer a helpless shrug in response, my mind racing with a million different possibilities. Rimuru, my son, was known for his unpredictability, his whimsical nature often keeping us on our toes. Trying to decipher his intentions was like trying to catch a fleeting shooting star- elusive and ever-changing.

Rey let out a deep sigh, his brow furrowed in concern. "He did seem quite serious when he called us here. I hope everything is okay."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as well. Rimuru was usually so laid back and carefree, so for him to bring us all together like this, it must be something significant.

Vincent couldn't resist making a lighthearted remark. "Maybe he's finally going to reveal his secret to perfecting his cooking skills. I've been dying to know how he makes his spaghetti!"

We all shared a laugh at Vincent's suggestion, but deep down, we all knew that whatever Rimuru had to say was serious and important.

Rey turned to Ellie, our only daughter, who seemed to be hiding something behind her playful facade. "What do you think, Ellie?" Rey asked, his tone gentle but probing.

"I-I don't know anything. Hahaha," Ellie stammered, her laughter sounding forced as she avoided making eye contact with any of us.

Art let out a sigh, seemingly unsurprised by Ellie's response. He and Ellie shared a knowing look, hinting that they might be privy to some information that the rest of us weren't.

"C'mon, Ellie, don't keep us in suspense. Do you know something we don't?" I prodded, giving her a knowing look that seemed to make her squirm in her seat.

"I have no idea," Ellie insisted, but her eyes sparkled with excitement, betraying her true feelings despite her attempts to remain composed.

Lilia and Ciel, seated next to each other, exchanged a knowing look and shared a secretive smile. "Don't worry, Aunt Alice, it's nothing bad or dangerous," Ciel reassured me, with Lilia nodding in agreement.

As the tension in the room continued to build, my curiosity and anticipation grew stronger. What did Rimuru have in store for us? What could be so important that he needed to gather us all together like this? The unanswered questions floated through my mind, leaving me eager to finally hear what Rimuru had to say.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting!" Ri's cheerful voice echoed through the room as he entered, a bright smile lighting up his face and his eyes dancing with excitement. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation as all of us turned our attention towards him, eager to hear what he had to say.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you here today, but don't worry, it's nothing serious or bad. In fact, it's quite the opposite," Ri continued, his playful tone keeping us on the edge of our seats.

Tabitha couldn't contain her impatience any longer and spoke up, "Rimuru, please just tell us already."

Ri feigned a mock frown but couldn't hold back his smile for long. "You all are much too impatient," he teased. "Well, I can't keep you in suspense any longer. You can come out now."

As Ri spoke, a figure timidly peeked out from behind the door, causing our eyes to widen in surprise. Stepping into the light, a small, delicate girl.

She had a small and delicate skull, high cheekbones, and a pointed chin. Her eyes shone with a bright golden hue that matched Ri's perfectly. Her soft, wheat-blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders in a sleek, straight fall. Her bangs barely covered half of her forehead, revealing a small, rounded face adorned with freckles across her nose. Two black horns jutted out from the sides of her head, adding a touch of mystery and intrigue to her appearance. She wore a simple black robe that draped elegantly over her small frame, giving her a regal and otherworldly air.

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