Chapter 19 - back to Elenoir {Rewritten}

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Rimuru POV

My mother's embrace tightened around me, her arms enveloping me in a bittersweet mixture of love and sorrow. As her hold grew stronger, I could feel the air being squeezed out of my lungs, and a subtle ache spread across my chest.

"Mom, I really can't breathe," I gasped, my voice strained as I tried to push her away gently. But she clung to me, refusing to let go, her grip unyielding and desperate.

"Come on, dear," my father intervened, his voice gentle yet firm, his hand resting on her shoulder. "He has to go now."

Tears welled up in my mother's eyes, casting a reddish hue upon her face. "Just a little more," She pleaded with me, her voice trembling with a mixture of longing and fear. "You never know when he will come again." She implored, her words laden with the weight of uncertainty.

We stood at the threshold of Helstia Palace, the grandeur of the surroundings serving as a stark reminder of the life I was leaving behind. The opulent marble columns and intricately carved wooden doors stood as silent witnesses to our farewell. It was a moment filled with conflicting emotions, a collision of duty and family ties.

I longed to stay, to be with my loved ones for just a little longer. But the weight of responsibility tugged at my heart, reminding me of the tasks that awaited me in Elenoir. I had plans to liberate the enslaved, fortresses to dismantle, and warriors to train. Time was a precious commodity, and I couldn't afford to squander it.

The Twin Horns and the Helstea family had gathered at the front door, their presence symbolizing both support and parting. The Twin Horns had chosen to set aside their own adventures momentarily, deciding to remain by our side until the moment of my departure. Jasmine, in particular, had insisted on training together, her determination to grow stronger evident in her every move. We honed our skills side by side, pushing each other to unlock the true potential of our elemental magic.

My focus had gravitated towards the realm of ice, a natural affinity that flowed through my veins. With each passing day, I delved deeper into its mysteries, seeking to unlock its full potential. Jasmine, on the other hand, had been making remarkable progress in her pursuit of sound magic, her daggers becoming an extension of her newfound prowess. Together, we sparred and shared our knowledge, each session a testament to our growing bond. Not only have I trained with Jasmine, but I have trained with the rest of the Twin Horns and my father, and I have also given them books on elemental magic.

Amidst this journey, I had grown closer to Vincent and Tabitha, their unwavering support and genuine care making them feel like true family. They had chosen to address me by my surname, a sign of the respect and affection we held for one another. Just like Lily called my parents Uncle and Aunt, they asked me to do the same with them, and I agreed, realizing that they had truly become a part of my family.

"You can always rely on the communication scroll if you want to see us, Mother," I assured my mother, a tinge of sadness in my voice. "And I'll make it a point to come over whenever I get the chance." A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she loosened her grip on me, stepping aside reluctantly.

As I turned, my gaze locked with my father's piercing eyes. He pulled me into a tight embrace, his arms strong and protective around me. "I expect you to grow even more powerful next time, lad," he said, his voice filled with a blend of pride and anticipation. "For your old man will strive to become even stronger."

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, a playful retort escaping me. "Haha, don't you worry, Dad," I replied, a hint of mischief in my voice. "I'll continue to surpass you, even in the future." Our eyes met, exchanging a knowing look that spoke volumes about our unwavering confidence in our abilities.

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