Cartwheels [chapter 2]

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At fifteen years old, Katsuki had never been more sure of his life.

He'd planned out everything from then until he was thirty. Katsuki knew that he was going to be a super hero— the number one super hero within a decade. He knew that right below him would be his best friend. And he knew that his plan was the only right one because what other plan could be better than his?

Katsuki had a plan for his and his best friend, and it was either his way or the highway.

At fifteen years old, y/n had never been more unsure of her life.

She had plans, but they were sporadic. Because there was no way she'd be able to pursue a career in art while also following the path Katsuki had paved for her. She knew that she wanted to go down a path that would allow her to continue her passion on a professional level. She knew that she also wanted to have Katsuki by her side.

Y/n had absolutely no idea what her final plan was, and it was the most confusing thing ever.

"Do you ever stop drawing?" Katsuki asked as he entered the room, flopping down on his bed with a small 'humph'.

The girl glanced away from her canvas for two seconds before continuing on with her portrait. "Are you not happy that the only time I draw is when I'm over at your place?" She didn't even look up for a response before continuing. "Because that just means you're one of my inspirations, you know?"

Katsuki stayed still a moment, burying his face in a pillow out of sheer embarrassment. He would've rather died than allow her to see the fact he was blushing at that. Only because he was embarrassed, of course. "Your art isn't even that good."

"Mhmmm," she hummed. "It's so bad that the reason you have one of my portraits of you hanging up right behind me is for you to make fun of it."

"Obviously," Katsuki mumbled sarcastically.

The girl rolled her eyes with half a chuckle. Continuing her drawing with the occasional glance away from the canvas, the girl hummed a song. She was content with the way things were.

But Katsuki wasn't. He needed to move around, but he didn't want to just be doing things by himself. Where was the fun in that? "Let's do something," Katsuki almost whined.

Sighing, the girl set down her pencil, "And what would you like to do...?"

"I don't know," he mumbled. A silence settled over the two of them as the blonde thought. The girl didn't mind it. "On a scale of 1-10 how opposed are you to being active right now?"

"Like a four; why?" she said.

Katsuki grinned evilly, quickly getting up off the bed, "Then let's go." Had the girl said anything above a five, Katsuki would've let her be, but she didn't, so he'd do as he pleased. He headed for the door, not explaining anything to her because he knew that she'd follow no matter what.

Sighing in slight disappointment, the girl abandoned her half-drawn portrait of Katsuki and trailed after him.

She followed him down the stairs and past the living room. She followed him even as she had a quick, mini conversation with his mother, over to the sliding, glass door that led them to the backyard. She followed him as they stepped outside into the heat of the summer and onto the grass.

She'd follow him pretty much anywhere and not ask questions until after.

Just like now.

"Hey, what exactly are we supposed to be doing?" she finally asked another question. After they'd already gotten outside. She wasn't even truly concerned about what they were doing, more so the fact she wan't dressed in the best manner for summer weather.

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