Love [chapter 12]

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As they lay under the shade the tree provided them from the blazing sun, Katsuki wanted to do nothing more than to slam his head into the tree trunk until he couldn't move.

Only a few months prior, Katsuki had been so sure of everything. He knew he was going to attend U.A. high school. He knew he was going to be the number one hero. He knew he was going to have his best friend right by his side the entire time. He didn't know he was going to be letting go of that final statement.

Just when everything in his life was going good, he was thrown a curve ball. Awesome!

A sigh fell from the girl's lips. Her head fell on his shoulder.

Only a few months prior, she had been sure of nothing in her life. She knew her dream job. She knew how she was going to rise to the top in the quickest way possible. She knew the dream Katsuki had "shared" with her was going to conflict with that, and she knew she still wanted to pursue both regardless. She didn't know how she was going to do so.

She had to make a choice, and she did. Her happiness came before his for once.

"You'll call me everyday?" she muttered.

Katsuki let out a huff of air. Almost against his will (though he was the only person controlling his body), he laid his head atop hers. "I'll call you."

It wasn't long before Mitsuki had slid open the glass door, "Y/n, sweetie, your ride is here for you."

There was a weird sort of air that surrounded the duo. It was hostile but also full of grief. Katsuki was the first to stand up. He held out his hand to the girl, helping the girl up from the tree. The girl was the first to walk out from the shade of the tree, Katsuki pausing a moment before he fell in line behind her.

Katsuki watched as the girl put on her shoes much slower than usual. He watched as a cutsie little frown pulled it's way onto her face while she stood back up and started gathering her bags together.

Then he almost watched her leave the door without saying anything. Almost. "Um, mom, can I go with her?" A small blush that had started at the tips of his ears blossomed over his cheeks. He quickly stammered out his next sentence, "Y'know... just to make sure she doesn't get kidnapped or something. It's not out of character for her."

"Hey!" her brows furrowed as she slapped a hand across his chest.

He waved her off, both their eyes moving to the woman who'd just been asked the question. Mistuki sighed, half rolling her eyes in amusement. "Go ahead." Then she brought the girl into a bear hug as a farewell before sending the two on their way.

Katsuki helped the girl lug her bags out of the house and into the trunk of some nice car with a stranger sitting the drivers seat. The boy held the door open as he ushered the girl in the car. Only when she was seated comfortably in her own seat did he get in the car to sit beside her. They buckled up, and then the driver pulled away from the house that Katsuki would be returning to and y/n would not.

The car ride there was silent. It would be rather awkward to talk when some random stranger sat in the front seat and would hear everything they said. Even if they'd likely never see the person driving ever again, it was still embarrassing.

Because of the silence, the drive to the airport never seemed to end; however, once they got there, the two wanted nothing more than for the car ride to have been longer.

They both got out, Katsuki helping her take her luggage out the trunk in silence. When she had all her bags situated so she could maneuver them through the airport without much struggle, she looked to Katsuki.

"Please make some other friends," the girl started. "I get that you love being mean and all, but you've still gotta be a little nice every now and then. It'll be really depressing if I hear you've made no friends in my absence."

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