Bees [chapter 4]

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It was pouring outside. The previous day had been the hottest day they'd experienced that whole summer, and now it was pouring.

With the new onslaught of rain came an unexpected power outage.

Originally, Katsuki had been watching some show while also studying for the entrance exam. The girl, as per usual, was going at it on some canvas. It was another one of Katsuki. She'd perfected drawing him, so she enjoyed it. Because there wasn't any trial and error when it came to putting him on a canvas. He simply had to sit in a room with her, and she'd be able to do it.

They'd been coexisting in his room; that particular summer they'd been coexisting in his room a lot. Katsuki would be doing one thing, and she'd be doing another. Together but separate.

It was thundering out. Which was fine for now. Because the lights were on, and there was extra noise from Katsuki's TV to distract her from the loud booms that would happen every minute or so.

She'd developed a deadly fear of storms awhile back when a tree in a park got struck down right beside her. Katsuki had called her a chicken for not wanting to go out and play in the rain with him. And of course she just had to prove him wrong. So they ran outside to the nearest park and played random games up until the very moment that made her terrified of thunder storms.

They'd left because she complained about being cold, and Katsuki didn't object because he was also getting cold. What he didn't know was that lightning bolt being only a few feet away from striking her had actually caused a permanent fear of storms. One that he always managed to unknowingly dull with his normal behaviors.

"You do realize we're getting into the highest hero course class U.A. has to offer, right?" Katsuki asked out of nowhere, disturbing the distraction of the TV noise and instead changing it into Katsuki noise. He didn't look up from the practice book he was using to study. "I mean, your quirk isn't really that shitty. We'll make a great duo."

The girl stopped her hobby for a second to look at him with a questioning glance, "Was that a compliment?"

"Never," Katsuki half-scoffed, half-laughed.

"Anyways," she mumbled. "I'm not quite sure I want to be a hero. It doesn't really seem like my kind of thing."

Katsuki rose his brow at that. "Just think about it though. You'd use your flurry or whatever to push the bad guys toward us or make like some arena sort of thing that kills them if they try to get out, and I blow their asses to smithereens." He paused, a small smile spreading across his face at the fantasy running through his mind. "We'd make a badass team."

"Yeah..." she trailed off. "Or I could pursue a career as an artist, and you do your boring hero stuff, and we find a way to get the best of both worlds."

"Don't be so full of yourself," Katsuki rolled his eyes almost playfully. "You're artwork won't get far."

"I could say the same about your career as a hero," she remarked back.

Katsuki finally stopped thumbing through his practice book and looked up at her. That whole conversation she'd been watching him, waiting patiently for him to look up just once so she could tell that he wasn't being completely serious. And she got that confirmation when Katsuki slowly started to grin at her. She mimicked him.

He may have been being serious about the whole wanting to be a hero duo thing, but he was just poking fun at her artistic abilities. Katsuki knew that if she really wanted to she could have a successful art career. She was good. No denying it.

But since he was little he'd determined that he wanted to work with her when he got older. He had just dreamed it would be as two heroes. Now that she was bringing up potentially not being a hero with him, Katsuki couldn't help but be the slightest bit saddened. Even still, he couldn't really complain.

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