Mean [chapter 11]

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In the morning, the girl woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring. Drowsily, her hand flopped around to find her nightstand so she could turn it off. But when she felt nothing, she half opened her eyes to inspect the lack of furniture, and then she was met with the familiar walls of a home that wasn't directly hers.

Right. She'd fallen asleep at the Bakugos'.

Slowly, she rose from his bed, the covers slipping down into a somewhat neat pile on her lap. She looked around the room half-asleep, reaching for her phone which sat nearby on a pillow. Shutting off the alarm, a yawn escaped her lips.

It was about eight now. Her flight left at noon. There was only a few hours left for her in Japan.

At that realization, the girl groggily got out of bed and headed for Katsuki's bathroom. She did a few quick things like brushing her teeth and making her hair look the slightest bit more presentable before trotting her way to the closet. There, she put together an outfit out of Katsuki's clothes.

"Morning," she greeted when she'd finally chosen to go downstairs, being met with Mitsuki sitting at the table reading and Masaru starting on breakfast.

Mistuki looked away from her book almost startled. "Hello, sweetie," the mother responded, closing her book. In that way (and many others), she and Katsuki were similar. They always signaled they were open to conversations when they set aside the thing they were originally doing.

The girl sent Mitsuki a questioning look, "Anger issues?"

"He's out on his morning jog," Mistuki answered, holding back her laughter at the nickname the girl had given her son. She paused for a second, studying the girl. "When do you leave?"

Slightly taken aback, the girl quickly widened her eyes a bit before returning them to their normal size. Her mind was still turning on, so she hadn't quite remembered telling Mistuki she was leaving the country that day. Sitting down across from Mistuki, the girl offered a wary smile, "At noon."

"I see," Mitsuki nodded, bringing the mug that had been sitting on the table up to her lips.

The girl thanked Masaru as he sat down a mug of coffee and a creamer they'd started buying because the girl liked it. He gave her a kind smile, "Do you need a ride up to the airport or anything you need to buy real quick before your flight?"

"Oh, um..." she trailed off in thought. "No, I don't believe so. My mother arranged a ride for me already."

"She's not sending you off herself?" Mitsuki perked up slightly at this inquiry.

The girl shook her head, hands cupping her coffee mug after she'd poured in the amount of creamer she wanted. Her eyes focused on the brown liquid, trying her hardest to push down whatever feelings she had toward the topic so she could answer clearly. "No. She's not. Work related reasons I think."

"Oh, well we could always just take you instead," Mistuki insisted. "It's really no problem. Besides, I'm sure it'd be much nicer to have at least some semblance of a farewell party."

"No, no. It's fine. The ride is already paid for, so it'd just make my mother mad if I didn't end up using it after she'd spent the money," the girl replied with a tight smile.

Mitsuki nodded, opening her mouth to say more but stopping when the door was pushed open. Katsuki stood in the door, a pair of earplugs in his ears that was blasting some music that could be heard even over in the kitchen. His skin glistened in sweat, light pants escaping him as he took off his shoes and then treaded his way to the kitchen.

He grabbed a glass of water, approaching the table everyone but his father sat at. He stood at the end, setting down his glass after taking a few large gulps, "Why are y'all so quiet?"

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