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At twenty years old, y/n had never felt more accomplished in her life.

She'd made a name for herself. People from everywhere in the art world got inspiration from her pieces. She'd gathered a massive fan base and was highly respected even by the artists she'd consider to be better than herself.

Right then, she was at the top of her game, and yet she still didn't feel 100% fulfilled.

At twenty years old, Katsuki had never felt less accomplished in his life.

He'd made a name for himself, sure. People from all over the world knew the pro hero Dynamight. He'd gathered a massive fan base and was highly respected in the world of pros.

Right then, he was at the top of his game, and yet he needed just one thing for him to be content.

"You're insane," a voice called out to the woman as she rolled out a few bags through the airport doors. He had his hands crossed over his chest, sunglasses covering his eyes and his hair pulled back to help with the summer heat. "I don't hear from you in years, and then I get a call from you asking if I can pick you up from the airport out of nowhere."

Originally, y/n had no clue who the voice belonged to until she looked up and saw a familiar face full of freckles with his same old messy, green curls (they were much longer now than from the last time she saw him). She let out a low whistle at the sight of him. He'd changed a lot within the past five years. Most notable changes being his new muscles and scars. Her shoulders went up in a shrug, "I got bored of America."

A chuckle slipped past his lips as he pushed off the car. He bound his way over to her, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. "It's good to see you," Izuku mumbled.

"You too," she cheesed.

"He's missed you a lot, y'know?" Izuku sighed, pulling away from the hug. He moved to help (he completely did it by himself) in putting her bags in his trunk. They got in his car, and he pulled off. "He'll be happy to see you. Like over the moon, out of the ordinary, he just found out I stubbed my toe, winning the most popular hero polls—happy."

She laughed, "I'm sure he did."

They spent the rest of the time catching up on the major events that had happened in their lives since she'd departed. As they were pulling up to a certain house, the two arranged dates to catch-up on more in depth things later on.

Izuku stopped the car, "I'll help you get your bags out and then I've gotta go. My break ended like two hours ago." He pulled out his phone and showed her a flood of messages that were still coming in, "My assistant is getting on my ass about it. Not really my problem right now though."

As promised, he helped her get her stuff out of his car before he sped off.

The girl shook her head with a snicker, watching as he recklessly disappeared around a corner. Then she turned towards the house and let out a deep sigh. Izuku had told her on the way there that Katsuki no longer lived there anymore but still frequently visited. He'd theorized it was because she didn't know where he lived now and he was just waiting for the day she would come back.

There may have been some truth to that theory.

She walked up the familiar driveway, not bothering to knock. Instead she grabbed their hidden spare and entered the house. Upon entering, she was met with startled gasps, followed by screams of joy, followed by hugs from two parental figured in her life, followed by them ushering her to the backyard where she could clearly see their son resting with his eyes closed and back leaning against a familiar tree.

Quietly, she opened the door to the backyard. She snuck herself most of the way across the yard before a pair of red eyes snapped open and immediately had a lock on her. Damn him for being such a good hero he knew when there was a lurker.

A grin spread across her face when she was met with a look of slight confusion, "I hear you've been making quite the name for yourself, Shitty Hero."

The words left her mouth, and like a switch had been flipped, Katsuki smirked in complete recognition. Maybe he just needed to hear her voice to know she was there. He crossed his arms with a smug look, "Seems you've done the same for your art. I hear your name around a lot for such a shitty artist."

Nobody heard her name in casual conversation. Not unless they had been mingling with others in the art world. Katsuki had been keeping up with the art world— with her art.

A laugh came from her. She held out her hand, helping him up only to be trapped in a warm embrace as soon as he'd gotten onto his feet. He was crushing her. Literally. She was wheezing out breaths. Even so, she found herself smiling from ear to ear at the comfort he'd brought.

Katsuki Bakugo, a very my way of the highway person, experienced somebody choosing the highway, and he also experienced the benefits that it brought.

Choosing the highway, Katsuki thought, isn't always a bad option.

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