Block [chapter 6]

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Katsuki couldn't help but stare in utter disgust at his best friend.

She had shown up to his house, unannounced (which was actually very common because neither of them could even remember that last time she'd at least notified him that she was coming over). Instead of the normal bursting through his door and booking it to her little corner, she flopped down next to him on his bed.

At first, he tried to just ignore her presence. If she wasn't going to talk, then neither was he. But when she remained face-down, unmoving like a corpse, Katsuki couldn't help but feel a little worried. Which was quickly covered up by the disgust he felt for caring.

The girl, despite not being able to see Katsuki from even the side of her eyes, could tell he was giving her a dirty look. Honestly though, he kind of gave it away. The clicking of buttons on his controller stopped as well as the grumbled curses when something in the game didn't go exactly his way. So she turned to face him, raising a brow when they made eye contact, "What?"

He stared at her in utter disgust for a second longer before giving a response. "The fuck are you lying around on my bed for?"

"Free will?" she mumbled, rolling onto her side and propping her face up with her hand.

"Why aren't you at that stupid easel of yours, huh?" Katsuki asked harshly. "You're always doing your weird drawing shit while I do my own thing. Get the fuck off my bed and do your shit."

She looked at him with amusement, "Um... I'm experiencing this thing called artists' block.

"Well get over this stupid block, or better yet, destroy it, and get off my bed," he spoke in a surprisingly even voice. His face, however, said the complete opposite. It was pinched up, almost as if he'd just gotten a taste of the most sour lemon in the world. "I don't need your crusty ass germs all over my sheets."

He, of course, had to add the insult. If he wasn't careful, she might've taken his words as inspiration. A compliment even.

She rolled her eyes. Katsuki had played his hand right; she didn't take what he said as a compliment. Maybe slight inspiration though, "Oh, shut up. You're a real pain in my ass, you know that?"

"Never asked you to come over," Katsuki mumbled, starting his game back up now that she didn't seem to be as... for lack of better words, bleh.

She spread out on his bed as much as she could, throwing her legs over Katsuki's, "Shut up and enjoy my company." A content smile graced her lips when Katsuki's face scrunched back up at the contact.

"Fucking brat," he muttered, but he didn't push her off of him.

For the first time that summer, they had done nothing. They would normally start off in his room, doing their own things, until Katsuki inevitably came up with something to do and convinced her into joining. Today was different though. He just let her lay there, not coming up with something for them to do, or talking in general. For the first time that summer, they had truly done nothing.

Despite that, time seemed to fly when they were doing nothing.

It was almost midnight when they looked at a clock for the first time since she'd arrived. They had switched between video games, Katsuki allowing her to play with him. He'd realized that the likelihood of her going to her little corner to draw was very slim after he'd gotten bored of his first game and she was still sprawled across his bed.

"Oh, fuck," she mumbled when she picked up her phone and saw the time. "I think I should be heading out. It's really late."

Katsuki peeked over her shoulder, his own eyes widening when he saw the time as well. Nodding his head, he got up from the bed to stretch. "Alright, then let's get going." It had been dark out for quite some time now, and Katsuki would be damned if he let her walk home by herself without any light.

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