Bot [chapter 5]

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The writing portion of the entrance exams was the easy part.

Honestly, for a prestigious school such as U.A., you'd expect for the questions to be impossibly difficult. But they weren't. In fact, once the girl had pretty much gotten to the end, she was convinced they made the questions so easy on purpose. Almost as a way to psych people out and make them second guess their answers to even the most basic of questions.

She didn't feel stupid when she was already turning in her booklet while everybody else in her testing room were barely even halfway through. If Katsuki were in the same room as her, she determined, he would be turning in his book right about now too.

"You may silently leave," the instructor looking over the room to make sure nobody was cheating informed her. "Do not leave campus, and a person will guide you to the lecture hall that will announce what the hero course trial will be." Then he gave a nod, letting her know he was completely finished talking.

With the dismissal, she left the room. Katsuki was exiting the room across the hall as she was leaving hers. They made eye contact.

Of course they had finished their exams at the same time. As expected.

His eyes lingered on hers for a moment before he looked down the hall. He found a bench, walking over to it and waiting patiently for her to find the spot next to him. She did. They talked.

"How do you think you did?" she asked, crossing her legs and leaning back against the wall.

Katsuki shrugged, "I thought it was easy. Almost too easy, but I wouldn't put it past a school like this. Probably trying to play mind games with people." He turned his head to look at her, "How about you?"

"Meh," she shrugged. "But I was the first person done in my room, so it can't have been that bad."


Then they were silent. It was comfortable to them though. They'd been friends for so long that every silence was a comfortable one. Only when it was just the two of them. As time went on, however, people started exiting the rooms. Which only meant the silence between them was getting more and more uncomfortable.

"Talk to me so no other extra comes up to us," Katsuki half-whispered. He didn't want to waste his time on people who likely wouldn't even pass this part.

She rolled her eyes but leaned her body closer to his. If he wanted her to talk, then he'd be listening to things that he ultimately did not care about. "I'll keep talking to you if you promise to take me shopping and buy me anything and everything I want." Or a bribe.

"I'm not doing that," Katsuki scoffed. But when she shrugged and didn't continue talking to press for a compromise, he knew he was fucked. A groan escaped his lips, "Fine, fine. We'll go after the hero trial. Now talk to me!"

"Man, you're desperate," she grinned.

Then she started talking about anything and everything, accepting the bullshit responses from Katsuki. Him talking made it seem like they were having a conversation. But they weren't. If anyone were to listen to what they were saying for longer than a few seconds, it was easy to tell they were not talking to each other. Merely saying things to fill up space.

"Do you think someone could still pull off cheetah print clothing?"

"I think apple juice is the better option."

"Honestly, if you put teal in your hero costume, I might just kill you."

"The fascination with that shoe brand has always confused me."

Complete and utter nonsense.

They were interrupted by a small gasp, followed by another person joining them on the bench. Right on the other side of the girl. "Y/n, Kacchan, I didn't know you'd be here— well, actually I did. I was just expecting it to only be Kacchan, and I thought the two of you, if y/n did choose to show up, would've been separate—"

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