Train [chapter 7]

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Katsuki burst through the door of the girl's house, startling the ever loving fuck out of the girl who had just started making her breakfast. He stared at her in astonishment, and then like she was stupid. "What are you doing?"

"Eamin'?" she tried. Half a piece of toast had been shoved into her mouth only seconds prior.

She got a stare; he was looking at her like she was stupid. Then he let the words actually translate, and he stared at her like she was even more stupid than a few seconds prior. "We were supposed to be at the station five minutes ago..." Katsuki sighed.

He watched as the girl checked the time on her phone, eyes widening substantially when everything dawned on her. Abandoning her small breakfast, she rushed to grab her bag from the living room, "Well, help me get my shit together at least!" She tripped over a shoe as she reprimanded him. A shoe she needed. "Grab my shoes and tie for me."

As a team, they grabbed everything she needed. She got her socks on while he grabbed all her school items that had been spread all throughout the living room, kitchen, and entryway.

It wasn't long before they were walking down the sidewalk to the station. Or more so, Katsuki walked while she hobbled to get her shoes on. Katsuki carried her bag, tie, and jacket. Really, he should've been getting paid for all the things he was doing to help her in times of struggle. They had already made it all the way to the station and were waiting for the next train by the time she'd fully gotten her shoes on.

She wasn't exactly the best at putting on her shoes while also walking.

Katsuki held out the jacket to her, half paying attention as he made sure he knew which stop was theirs on a nearby screen. Once he'd confirmed it with himself, he turned to her. With quick hands, Katsuki got the tie around her neck and was able to quickly put it together as she buttoned up her jacket.

"All set," she nodded happily once she'd gotten the last button done and Katsuki had retracted his hands back to his side. Her hands pat around her pockets, a frown etching it's way onto her face when she slowly came to a realization. "Not all set..."

With an eye roll, Katsuki pulled her phone out of his pocket and held it in front of her face. He'd grabbed it just before they left when he realized she hadn't noticed it's absence. "You're an absolute idiot," Katsuki told her as he watched the girl snatch the phone away from him. He was still holding her bag.

"Sure you just called me an idiot, but I'll be ignoring that comment. Thanks for the phone," she grinned at him.

"Yeah, yeah," Katsuki waved her off, the smallest hint of red staining the tips of his ears. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, turning towards their train that was just now pulling into the station. "You've really gotta start paying more attention."

The girl adverted her eyes, "I know, I know."

Katsuki led them into the train. The train was packed because schools were starting back up again, so only one seat remained on the cart they'd entered. Despite wanting use how he had been the only reason she got out of the house this morning, Katsuki allowed her to take the seat. To other people, he wasn't a gentleman, but Katsuki would give up just about anything for her.

"You know where your class is?" Katsuki asked. He held onto one of the railings on the roof, surveying their cart for any sketchy individuals. Over the course of their middle school careers, they had far too many transportation stories. "Who am I kidding? You can barely read a clock. I'm walking you to your class."

An offended sound left her lips. She placed her hand over her heart in offense, "Rude!"

Katsuki rose a brow, "Oh, so you know where you're going?" He was met with silence and no eye contact. Something between a scoff and laugh slipped past his lips, "That's what I thought."

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