Chapter 9

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Why was Rey in the kitchen? Kyle stood in the doorway and watched the twenty-something drop raw dough in the fryer.

It had been a couple of days since he'd found out what had happened Saturday night. He still felt a bit overwhelmed with the knowledge, but they'd worked well together Wednesday and Thursday. Rey had made a beautiful baby shower cake with blue confetti that spilled when the cake was cut. They'd gotten a video with an exquisite thank you from the soon-to-be parents.

They hadn't talked since that night about it, but Kyle kept playing it on repeat like a broken record. He wanted to know how Rey really felt, but he didn't want to push it. He didn't want to send him spiraling out of control.

He watched him quietly. Rey pulled the four baskets up in rapid succession. While one drained, he dumped another onto the table behind him. He'd stack them on the dipping tray then dip them into whatever glaze. He'd drain it then slide the tray to the end of the counter. Once that tray was done, he'd do the next one until he had all of them glazed.

The kid was quick and efficient. He didn't use a timer and could tell by the smell when the donuts were done. He knew how to dip them all at once without dropping one then finish the next tray.

Rey finished the donuts and turned his attention to the eclairs once the previous pastries were in the warmer. He used the same technique except there was an extra step. He filled the eclairs with homemade custard he made at some point. Kyle barely knew when he mixed his glazes and frosting let alone the custard filling.

When he finished those, he started to do the turnovers. Kyle pushed off the door frame and walked into the kitchen. He tapped Rey on the shoulder and looked at his shocked face. He pulled an earbud from his ear and smiled.

"How long have you been here?" he asked.

"That should be my question," Kyle replied. He looked around the tidy but used kitchen. "How did you get in?"

Rey shrugged. "I have my ways. As long as I get in before ten seconds, the alarm won't sound."

"You picked the lock." The young man flashed a dry smile. "How long have you been up?"

The twenty-year-old turned away to mix the filling for the turnovers. "I haven't slept."

Kyle stood there dumbfounded. He looked at the clock by the door. It was almost four in the morning. Thomas would be here shortly. He could finish what Rey had started. He would be more surprised that half of his job was already done.

He waited for Rey to put the eclairs away before he grabbed his arm and dragged him from the kitchen. Rey asked him a million questions that he didn't answer. He dragged him all the way upstairs.

Rey watched Kyle walk across the room. He rummaged through his drawers until he found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He came back and handed them to him. Rey's brows scrunched together as he looked between the clothes and the man.

"Change and go lay down," Kyle ordered.

"I'm fine." Rey tried to hand them back.

Kyle pushed them into his hands. "I'm not asking. Change your clothes and go lay down. You're useless if you pass out on us due to lack of sleep."

Rey blew air into his top lip then nodded. He walked past Kyle to the bathroom to change. Kyle sighed and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a couple of eggs and some sausage to make breakfast. He knew deep down Rey hadn't eaten either. He wouldn't let him go to bed hungry.

He looked up when the younger guy came out. The clothes were a bit big, but they didn't look too frumpy on him. Kyle's shirt was a tad too long and hit him just above the thighs, but he was just going to sleep in them. There was no need for them to fit perfectly.

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