Chapter 13

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Rey walked into the hospital with his arms laden with bags. He was meeting his mom for lunch on his one day off. He hadn't seen her for any length of time since they had to make the Founder's Day cake.

Mia had to work as well and she completely understood. It had been her idea for him to stay with Kyle until the cake was done. Other than school and when he was with his dad, it had been the longest he'd stayed away from home.

Other than wanting to see her, Rey really wanted to ask his mom why a woman would ask a man she clearly had a past with to make her wedding cake. It didn't make sense to him. If you had broken up, why would you ask the other person this favor? Was she just trying to play games with him or was she just stupid?

He rode the elevator to the sixth floor. Mia wasback on the maternity ward. She enjoyed being a labor and delivery nurse, but sometimes she didn't get to eat on time. Babies had their own timing. And she often forgot her lunch. Rey either brought her lunch box or picked something up for her. Today he brought donuts, coffee and sandwiches for everyone on the floor.

The nurse at the nurse's station smiled when he stepped off the ladder. She rushed to help him.

"Are you sure you brought enough?" she laughed.

He smiled cheekily. "Well, I had to make sure there was enough for all of you. Contrary to popular belief, you eat a lot."

The woman laughed and set the bags on the counter. She helped unload them, smiling at the selection before her. She had been one of the few who had supported him all the way through school. She had sent him money every now and then just so he would have some pocket money.

"Your mother found out what I did during your schooling," she said. She smiled as though she didn't care, which she probably didn't. "I told her I'd do it again."

Rey smiled. Kayana Gerber had been his mother's best friend all their lives. She'd been Mia's maid of honor in her wedding and had been there to help pick up the pieces after divorce. She'd even moved in to the help raise Rey until Mia had figured out childcare. During those years, they'd been on opposite schedules so it had worked out. His Aunt Kay would take him to school before she went to bed, and she had always been there to pick him up afterwards. She was like his second mother.

When his father Stewart had gotten all the finances in order, he had sent enough money for child support and extra child care. He'd even compensated Kay handsomely even though she had steadfastyl refused. As far as Rey knew, she had put all that money into savings. It was what she had used to send him money during school.

"Is Mom in the delivery room?" he asked.

Kay shook her head as she popped the tab on a soda can. "She went up to cardiology. She should be back soon."

"Is she dating Dr. Jackson?" Kay paused mid-sip and looked at him. She never had been able to lie. The side eye was proof enough. "When did it start?"

"After you left for school. She never could find the time to tell you." She pulled open the donut box and picked up a caramel one. "Are you mad?"

Rey shook his head as he plopped down in an empty chair. The computer was turned off so he shouldn't get into any trouble, what with HIPAA violations and all. "Why should I be mad? They've been divorced for nearly sixteen years."

Kay sat down beside him. "They're pretty serious. I wouldn't be surprised if he proposes soon."

"Aunt Kay? Why would a woman ask her ex to make her wedding cake?"

She swiveled around and scooted closer. She kind of looked like a little kid the way her toes barely scraped the ground. "Who? Who? Tell me everything."

So he did. He told her what he'd seen at the Founder's Day Festival and what the other woman had asked. He even told her about what had happened in Conway. For someone who had only dated twice in his life, he certainly wasn't an expert. He hoped his aunt had some information he was missing.

She listened closely, chewing her food thoughtfully. He watched her when he was done to see if he could see any changes to her thoughts. All he really got was that she loved donuts, but that wasn't too surprising. She loved sweets in general.

"I don't know much about Kyle," she said. "Are you sure it's his ex?"

"Positive. He gets the dumb deer in the headlights look every time he sees her. He had it yesterday too," he said. He ate an errant sprinkle that rolled around his plate.

"I've never known him to have a girlfriend, but we've never run in the same circles either. He didn't move here until after Mr. Bill passed away, but her was here every summer. That's really all I know."

"What are you two gossiping about now?" Mia rounded the nurse's station and pressed a kiss to her son's bound curls. "Hey, baby."

"Hey, Mom." Rey motioned to the food. "I brought lunch. Make sure Dr. Jackson gets some."

Mia didn't even have to ask. She turned to face her friend so fast that Kay barely had time to duck the flick to the forehead. She cast Rey a cheeky grin that he reciprocated.

"You talk too much, Kayana," Mia scolded. She only used her full name when she was in trouble. If she was in deep doo-doo, it was the whole name.

"I didn't tell him. He figured it out on his own," Kay defended. "He's very smart."

Rey heard the mocking tone and shot her an annoyed look. So what if he couldn't figure out what the crazy woman wanted with her ex? She should behappy he had only dated two people. Some kids his age already had two kids.

The women mumbled to each other under their breaths. He couldn't make it out, but he'd heard it enough to know they were discussing Mia and the good doctor.

Mia sat down and opened a sandwich. "Are you sure you're okay with me dating Reed?"

Rey made a face. "Mom, you should have dated a long time ago. Maybe I'd have a little brother or sister by now."

Kay howled as his mother's face flushed. "Osprey, I didn't raise you to be this cheeky." He still smiled at her. "I wanted to raise you before I even thought about dating again. I don't regret it."

"Mom, I'm grown. Don't hold yourself back simply because of me."

She reached over and stroked his face. Instinctively, he leaned his face into the hand that had never struck him out of anger. "You're my greatest achievement. Don't you ever forget that."

Rey nuzzled his face into her hand like he used to do as a child. "I never have."

Smiling, Mia went back to eating. She asked how his long hours were and how he was doing. Since his last episode, she had made sure to check in on him every so often. Especially with the Founder's Day cake, she had called him every night to make sure he was sleeping enough during the day. He knew she was also making sure he was taking his meds. He had been so he had nothing to hide.

He looked at the clock and realized her lunch break was almost over. He never got a chance to ask about Kyle, but he was almost certain Kay would fill her in. If it was important, his mother would call him.

He hugged and kissed her goodbye, making sure she knew to share everything he'd brought. She acknowledged it and watched him leave.

"He's grown up so fast," Kay mused. "He's always been a good kid even when the world was caving in on him."

"I still worry about him," Mia confessed.

"As you should, but he'll be okay. He knows what to do."

Kay didn't tell her friend what they'd discussed. She was alread upset that he'd found out about her relationship with the doctor. She didn't need to worry about her son when he wasn't even sure what he was feeling. Kay was almost positive Rey didn't know what was going on. He was just curious.

But she cared about the boy. She would answer any questions he had. She would also be honest with him too. When she felt it was pertinent, she would tell her friend. For now, she would see how things went.

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