Chapter 18

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Rey was back the next day. Kyle barely missed him walking in because he was so quiet. He wore his headphones most of the morning, and his arm was secured in the sling. It made him a bit awkward while doing things, but he didn't ask for help.

When the morning rush was finished and most of the early orders were out, Thomas helped him finish the buttercream cake. It was a good thing Rey had mastered the Swiss meringue early because they were at the last minute. Thomas had worked diligently to finish what he could on top of his own work.

Lily had mastered making pie crusts quickly. Kyle had walked her through it calmly, following Rey's instructions completely. She had been able to make them within an hour. It had helped Kyle as he was able to make the filling while she blind-baked the crusts first. He'd also shown her how to do lattice work for the top crust. They weren't perfect, but they were good.

It took the three of them to load the many boxes into the van. Thomas set the toppers in their own box so they wouldn't be damaged in transport. Rey would finish the decorating while at the venue.

Kyle felt the van idle as they passed through Searcy in White County. The birthday party was in Bald Knob. There was a shorter route, but they were doing construction that way. They were left to use the longer way. It was annoying because Arkansas always seemed to be doing some sort of road construction.

Like he'd been most of the day Rey was quiet. He flipped through his sketchbook as he made notes on the contents. They were sloppy because he was writing with his left hand. His right was tucked across his waist. Kyle wasn't sure when he'd go back to the doctor. It hadn't come up and Kyle wasn't about to ask. He didn't think he had the right anymore.

He knew what he'd told Rey earlier had been a lie. He couldn't shake the good feelings that bubbled up when he was with him. Even now though he wasn't talking, Kyle felt at ease. He knew Rey was upset with him, but he couldn't stop the fondness that he felt in his presence. Rey just had to be around, and he was in a good mood.

When he had no idea where Rey was, Kyle had nearly lost himself. He thought it had been his fault. He'd thought having Hailie in the shop had driven another wedge between them, and he'd broken whatever had been there.

He'd lied when he'd said there wasn't anything between them, that there wasn't an US. there had been. Kyle had never wanted Rey to go home after he spent the night. He wanted to watch movies and listen to music with him for as long as he wanted. He wanted to see where it would go.

Hailie scared him. Kyle never knew what she was going to do. Because her mother was an Egyptian national who had married an Arkansas oil tycoon, she had a silver spoon from both sides. She used her mother's maiden name as her professional name, and the surrounding states knew the name of Hailie Cross Nassar. She could do some serious damage to anyone she didn't like. It would only take a phone call.

Rey was still very young. He didn't need his name dragged through the mud. The easy way to keep him and his reputation safe was to put a stop by whatever means necessary. Kyle hadn't wanted to hurt him, but Hailie could and would do worse.

However, Kyle was beginning to think Hailie didn't have that much power. Yes, she could say what she wanted because everyone was entitled to an opinion, but did he have to be afraid of her? He had been wary when they'd been together because of what she had done to her sister's abusive ex-boyfriend. She'd shown pictures to his boss and had gotten him fired. Kyle could understand that, but she'd also gone after one of Kyle's exes for no other reason than she was Kyle's ex.

The difference this time was Rey. He wasn't any of those people, and he already didn't like Hailie after merely meeting her three times. He wouldn't be fooled since he had lived through the rumors of his parents' divorce. He could call bullshit on her. He would have if Kyle had allowed it.

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