Chapter 26

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"Rey, answer your phone."

The guy in question rolled over and slapped around for his phone. Not finding it in the bed, on the table, or in the floor, Rey got up. He saw the rectangular object flashing at him from the coffee table. He walked over to it, turning back briefly when he heard Kyle grunt in annoyance.

"Hey, Mom," he said. He put the phone to his ear and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's a little after eight. Are you still with Kyle?" Mia asked.

Realizing his mother sounded stressed which was extremely out of character for her, Rey straightened up. Fully alert, he looked back at the bed. Kyle was sprawled out on his stomach as he now took up the entire bed. His blond hair was all over the place, sticking up over the blanket that was pulled up to his shoulders.

"What's wrong?" he asked. His voice was harder than what he intended, but she sounded wrong.

"Bring Kyle to the hospital as soon as you can. Before Kay goes to jail."

"Alright. We'll be there soon." Rey dropped his phone to the couch and grabbed the hair tie on the table. "Kyle, you need to get up."

Kyle rolled over and propped himself up. He ran a hand through his hair. "What is it? Who called you?"

"That was my mom. She said we need to come to the hospital as soon as we can... before Kay goes to jail."

The older man didn't even question it. He tossed the covers off and got up. Grabbing the jeans he'd draped over the back of the chair, he put them on and reached for a shirt.

"Has she lost her mind?" he wondered. He ran a comb through his hair, satisfied when it lay down somewhat tamed. "What does she think this will prove?"

Rey tugged his t-shirt over his head. "I have no idea, but Kay will hit her. I've seen her do it before."

"Luckily, we're closed today." Kyle grabbed his phone and car keys. "Come on. Let's stop her before Kay hurts her to the point she has to have reconstructive surgery."

"Hasn't she already?"

Kyle barked out a laugh as they descended the stairs. He had to focus to keep from falling down them.

When they arrived at the hospital ten minutes later, Rey led the way. Kyle had only been in the building a handful of times over the year. He'd been fairly healthy all of his life so he never needed to come. Rey, however, had grown up in the hospital since Mia was a nurse. It was only natural for him to know his way around.

It was louder in the hallway before the maternity ward. Mia was standing her ground by the nurse's station while Kay stood between her and Hailie. Hailie was still in the outfit she'd been wearing the night before. She must not have gone home.

"What are you doing?" Kyle asked. Rey went to his mother. "Why are you here?"

"See? They came together," Hailie said. She didn't even address Kyle's question. She waved her arm between Rey and Kyle.

"Girl! If you don't stop yelling in this hallway," Kay warned. "Babies and their mommas are trying to sleep."

"How does it feel? Hmm? How does it feel to realize your son is a gold-digger? He just wants Kyle's money."

Hailie started to ramble. She repeated the same thing over and over. Rey shared a look with his mom. They both raised their eyebrows in question. They were undoubtedly wondering if Hailie was bipolar or had another undiagnosed mental disorder. Since they'd both lived with one (Rey with bipolar and Mia as the family member) they could recognize it almost immediately.

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