Chapter 17

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Rey didn't show up for work the next morning. Kyle kept expecting him to walk through the door with a smile and an apology, but that never happened.

They managed to survive the morning rush. For some reason, everyone decided to come in at the same time and buy all the donuts and other pastries. Thomas had to make more on the fly. If Rey had been there, it wouldn't have been as stressful.

It was Thursday. They had twenty-something pies that needed to be made. That was Rey's job since it was his order. He still hadn't called by eight, but he had made a list of every step he needed to take. Since he was so meticulous, Kyle had no issue following his written word. He put the fillings together and then put those that were ready in the oven.

Thomas tried calling Rey a little after ten, but his phone went to voicemail each time. He shook his head after hanging up the fifth time. Even he was dumbfounded as to what was going on. They had only worked together for two months, but Rey wasn't the type to just miss work.

Kyle couldn't help but wonder if he was the reason the youngest man hadn't shown up. Had what happened the day before run him off? Was he so overwhelmed that he'd had a mental breakdown? Was he okay? All those thoughts slammed through his head in rapid succession, like a tsunami breaking on the shore. It made him wonder what would happen if he actually answered the phone.

The office phone rang. Thomas, who was closest since he was in the fridge, wiped his hands and went to answer it. He returned almost immediately.

"You want to take this," he said. His tone was serious, and his face was drawn with worry and sudden tiredness.

Frowning, Kyle went into the office. He picked up the receiver and punched the hold button. He could see Thomas leaning against the wall between the sink and the office door, head back against it and arms crossed.

"This is Kyle," he said.

"Kyle, this is Mia Truman," the female voice said. Kyle looked from Thomas to the phone as her name and voice registered in his head. "Rey was in an accident this morning. I worked overnight and was in an emergency surgery. I'm just now getting to the emergency room."

Kyle's heart stopped. All his frustrations and annoyance left him, replaced with fear and a nagging feeling. "Is he okay?"

"I don't know. I'm just now getting downstairs. I know they had another accident come in right behind him that sounded fatal." He heard a door slam open followed by hurried footsteps. There was a beep and another door opening. "I know it's later than when he was supposed to come in, but I didn't figure anyone had called you."

"We tried calling Rey, but he never answered." Now he knew why. His phone was either broken or still at the scene. They wouldn't have been able to get through to him.

"I'm entering the ER. I'll let you know more when I do." Mia hung up, leaving the dial tone beeping way too loudly at him.

Kyle replaced the receiver and stared at the phone for a long time. Rey had been in an accident, and no one had known. Was he severely hurt? What had happened? How long had he been in the ER? Was he involved in the fatal car accident?

This was worse than a manic episode. With that, he now knew what to do. With this, he was clueless. He had no information, and that terrified him. He wasn't the type to keep his person on a short leash, but this was different. This was pure terror. What if this wreck had been because of him?

He went back to the kitchen. Lily and Katie were standing in the doorway to the front of the house when he stepped through the office door. They looked at him expectantly. He looked around at the three people who wanted answers from him.

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