Chapter 10

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He wasn't sure where he was, but Rey knew it was not his bed. The smell wasn't the same. The sheets weren't the same.

Rey looked up from the overstuffed pillow. It took a minute to get his bearings, but he realized where he was. He was in Kyle Richards' apartment.

That's right. He hadn't slept the night before and had come to the bakery to do something. He hadn't known what he was going to do or how he was going to get in, but he'd known he couldn't stay at home. He hadn't wanted to wake his mom. Mia was a good woman and did her best for him, but sometimes he wasn't very nice to her in one of his episodes.

He got up and went to the bathroom. His mouth was dry which told him he forgot to take his medicine. They didn't always curb his episodes, but they helped regulate how often and intense they were. He could usually tell when something was going on, but sometimes it happened like this.

Since he didn't have a toothbrush, he ran a clean washcloth over his teeth. Apparently, he hadn't brushed them before he left. He also needed a shower, but he didn't have any clean clothes. He couldn't rummage through someone else's things. He would have to wait until he got home to shower.

Water-falling the mouthwash, Rey swished it around his mouth. He felt somewhat better after doing that, but he was far from clean. He would just have to wait.

After washing his face, he went back to the main room just as the door opened. Kyle came in with his arms laden with bags. He went straight to the kitchen to set them down. Then he walked over to Rey and held out a plastic container.

"Your mom dropped this off," he said. "She said not to wake you but to make sure you took these when you got up."

Rey took the container and popped it open. His medicine lay inside. His mother had known and had made sure to bring them by. She was good to him.

He popped them in his mouth and swallowed them. "Thanks."

"She also brought a change of clothes and some toiletries. You can shower if you want. I'll make dinner while you get cleaned up." Kyle handed him a familiar black bag.

Kyle turned back to him as if to say something but thought better of it. He went into the kitchen and started pulling out groceries that only Mia would buy.

Rey watched him for several seconds then turned back to the bathroom. He pulled out the clothes then his toiletries. His mom made sure he had everything he would need. What was she getting at?

He felt bad for leaving in the middle of the night. She deserved better than for him to leave like that and without any word except from Kyle. She packed his phone and charger. He hadn't realized he'd left it along with his wallet. It was amazing he hadn't gotten pulled over during his late night jaunt.

He sat on the toilet and called Mia. She answered on the first ring. He knew she was still at work but answered nonetheless. She sounded relieved to hear from him, asking questions about how he was feeling and if he was okay. He answered honestly even though he knew it would worry her.

She told him to stay with Kyle for another night. She didn't want him to drive. Rey understood and agreed, but he didn't know if Kyle knew. He would have to impose on him again.

He put his phone on the far side of the sink and turned on the shower. Stepping under the warm spray, he let it run over him for a while. It soothed him enough that his muscles relaxed and made him drowsy again. So drowsy that he cleaned up quickly and got out.

Kyle was stirring two pots when he emerged from the bathroom. Rey folded his clothes neatly and set them on the coffee table. He wandered towards the island and sat down. Kyle passed him a drink. His throat was still dry so he drank half of it in one go.

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