Chapter 25

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Rey saw the remnants of the dinner and briefly wondered what they'd discussed.

He hadn't meant to interrupt anything. He'd been restless and had wanted to do something. Mia was at work so he just naturally ended up here, at work. There wasn't anything in particular he needed to work on, but being in the building made him feel better.

Kyle worked to clean up the scattered boxes and put the wine away. His movements were agitated and disjointed. The argument with Hailie had taken a lot out of him. But he also looked relieved. Like he was lighter on his feet. Rey didn't want to jump to conclusions about the conversation that had just taken place.

Rey sat in the chair and watched him. He'd learned long ago with his own mental issues that it was best to let someone come to terms with their own thoughts than to force the conversation. In this case, it could lead to misdirected rage or worse. He didn't know what would tip Kyle over the edge.

Since they'd met, he'd never seen Kyle lose his temper. He was pretty even-keel when it came to his emotions. He was better suited to run a business and take care of customers. Thomas and Rey didn't have that capability and were better suited in the back.

There was a thump that made Rey look up. Kyle was leaning against the stove, his back to Rey and hunched. Rey could see the muscles pressed against his well-worn shirt. They were rigid and taut, like they'd burst from under his skin at any moment.

Taking a chance, the kid got up and walked over to him. Slowly, he slid his hands around Kyle's waist until they laced just under his navel. Hr pressed his cheeks against Kyle's shoulder and felt his breathing.

Kyle sighed heavily and managed to turn around. His hands settled on Rey's lower back as he held him securely against him. He felt Rey's curls brush against his cheek, coarse and somewhat itchy. He smiled when he felt the kid lift his head and kiss his neck.

"I thought we were going to talk," he whispered.

"We are," Rey answered, "but give me another minute or so. I'm enjoying this."

Kyle laughed and wrapped his arms tighter. He heard Rey laugh before he coughed lightly. He hadn't hurt him, but it made him laugh either way.

A minute or so later, Rey pulled away and walked back to the couch. Kyle followed shortly, sitting close to Rey without being on top of him. Without hesitation, he took Rey's hand, staring at his darker skin compared to Kyle's lighter one.

"Is what you said true?" Rey asked. "To Hailie, I mean?"

"It was true. Sorry it took me so long to realize it," Kyle said.

Rey shook his head. "No, that's fine. I just want to make sure it wasn't a snap decision. That you actually meant it and weren't just saying something to get her to leave."

With his free hand, Kyle tilted Rey's head and kissed him. His fingers skimmed their way along Rey's neck when he felt him respond, pulling him in as close as he could.

He didn't pressure him. He would pull away if Rey stopped, but every time he did, Rey would follow him for more. It wasn't a compulsion. It was pure, unadulterated desire. They wanted each other, in more ways than one. Rey wanted Kyle to admit his feelings, and Kyle wanted to be emotionally available for him. His first step had been to free himself from Hailie, and he was glad he did.

Rey pulled away when his lips were starting to tingle. He smiled as he looked down, anywhere really. He just couldn't look in Kyle's face without kissing him again. If he did, nothing would be resolved. In fact, things may escalate and he wasn't ready for that just yet.

"I told Hailie I wasn't going to design her cake," Kyle confessed. He rubbed his thumb against the back of Rey's hand. "She got mad and ran her mouth. When she saw you on the camera, she decided to act out."

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