Ch. 4

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I had just dropped her off at her class. I was skipping class this period because I was getting a little emotionally unstable. Now that I knew about her cutting I felt less bad about me cutting. She didn't have to know. It wasn't even the bullying that made me do it. It was ,y parents. I had kept a secret from everyone for years. I walked down the hallway to the closet I go to think and be alone. It's also where I cut myself because no ones their to judge me. I reached the closet and went to my place in the corner. I sat there and thought about her. Why would she cut herself. She was so beautiful and kind and sweet. I cut for a reason. As I checked my phone I remembered why. My parents. Ever since I was very young my parents had abused me physically. They had done it when I was young and they still do it to me now. They told me if I ever told no one they would kill me. They abuse me physically and mentally. And they send me harassing texts and photos too. They always send me threatening texts at school and make me terrified to go home. That's why I do it, and I never want her to know. As I think about everything I start to cry and I can't hold it any longer. I pull out the blade I keep in my pocket and start to cry and cut. I keep cutting until I hear a slight gasp and turn around to see 'her' standing their watching me in horror. I jump up quickly and hide my arm and blade. He walks or to me and uncovers my arm again gasping. "Zayn" she whispered. "I-I I-I." I stutter but cat find the words to say. She grabs the blade from my hand and snaps it in two before throwing it at the closet wall. "Y/n" I start to say, "I'm sorry you had to see that." I look down. I can't even look at her. All she can sh is, "why zayn?" I look down. I don't want her knowing about my life. I'm scared of my parents and I'm scared of her not wanting to be near me anymore. "It' just the bullying." I lie. I don't even mind the bullying compared tot he fear of my parents. "No zayn." She could tell I was lying. "What's really going on." She says so seriously. I look down again. She pulls my chin up so I have to look at her and she is drenched in tears. "Okay." I barely whisper. I motion for her to come closer so I can whisper it in her wear. I couldn't have anyone else knowing. I tell her everything. And I mean everything. Every detail of what my parents have done to me over the years and how scared I was. It actually felt better talking to some one. When I finished I leaned back to see her eyes wide in disbelief. "Oh zayn." She says and she throws her arms around me. "I'm so sorry." I put my arms around her to. I hadn't hugged any one before and it felt nice to know some one finally cared about me. "Please don't tell anyone." I begged, if she told then my parents would kill me. Litterally. "Zayn you have to tell some one." She tells me. "I did." I respond, "and I need her to keep it a secret." I look at her seriously. "Okay. I won't tell." I instantly become relieved. "But you have to let me help you. Okay?" I look at her unsure but nod. I didn't care how she did it I just wanted her in my life.

Zayn Malik ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now