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july 2019

harry basically moved in this week. i've been gone for meetings almost every day, so he decided, that he wanted to be able to spend every minute with me, when i wasn't working. he's very unhappy with me, traveling to the us.

i would rather stay here with him too, but i also love my job, and he gets it.

"baby, you can leave sunday next week instead." he keeps trying to make me stay.

i come up to him, and wrap my arms loosely around him. "harry, i would love to stay with you, but i'm leaving today." i tell him.

"i really don't like you." he says, opening up the fridge. "and your fridge is like empty."

"yes baby, that's kind of something i like to make sure of, when i travel." i smirk at him.


"i'm gonna miss you too." i say, i should've left 20 minutes ago, but our hug doesn't seem to end. "you can call me all the time though."

"not really the same, but i'll take it." he says.

we pull away, and he walks me down to the car. "i miss you already." harry holds my hand and turns me around.

"you're the cutest on earth, but i'm right here."

he pulls me in, and we share a passionated kiss, before i'm off.

i can't seem to wipe the smile off my face.

i get to the airport, and i'm driven to my plane. i'm wearing a pair of harry's, way too big shorts, and a crop top of mine.

i love having a piece of him in my outfit. before takeoff i send him a quick selfie. there's wifi on the plane, but i'm gonna try to get some sleep in.

it's gonna be early morning when i arrive, so i've got a long time to stay awake for.

harry <3

harry <3

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hi baby. i'll call you in 10 hours.

you're the prettiest, girlfriend.
safe trip ❤️


thankfully i slept for most of the plane ride and i'm even more thankful for the car waiting for me right outside. since there are paparazzi everywhere.

"robin!" i shout at my driver and we both laugh. we catch up for a bit, as i text harry to call me, when he's not busy.

my phone rings. "must be the boyfriend." robin smirks a little.

i roll my eyes, jokingly.

"hi baby." i giggle. i'm honestly about to admit, that i miss him already and want him here right now.

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