thirty five

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november, 2020

ivy's hands stay in mine as we both just stare at each other. she hasn't even looked at the ring properly yet.

"baby, look at the ring."

her eyes stay burning into mine. "it's gorgeous."

i place my head in my hands and lean forward with a chuckle.

"you're perfect for me, you know that?"

with a laugh, ivy plays it off. "i'm not sure, you might've told me once or twice before though."

ivy smiles brighter than ever with long tears streaming down her face.

i wipe away her tears with my thumbs and cup her cheeks for a second before pulling her into a hug. i can tell she's freezing.

"are you cold?"

"very, but i didn't wanna ruin the moment." she squirms further into my hold.

i take off my pink suit jacket and place it over her shoulders.

"i love this suit."she grabs the material of my jacket and pulls it closer to her body.

she pecks my lips, which still erupts butterflies in my stomach. "can we go down or do you wanna stay? i don't want you to get cold."

"let's go back down."

i grab ivy's hand and we walk back down the staircase and towards our room.

i know the room we're about to enter will be filled with candles and rose petals.

when i open the door, ivy stands still, letting her hand trail up and down my arm.

her eyes scan the room before turning back towards me. "and if i had said no?" she laughs at my attempt of being romantic.

i pull my jacket off her and shrug. "had a feeling you'd say yes, since you let me give you a child."

i get another one of ivy's laughs out of her and we settle back into our hotel room.

"i really want this dress off now." ivy gets the arms of the dress off and lets them hang.

i'd kinda expected her to say this, since she's always wanting to lay in a comfortable hoodie or something like that.

i help her pull off the dress and do my best to keep my eyes off of her almost naked body.

"okay future husband, i'll allow you to look at my naked body." she sarcastically tells me.

i press my lips to hers and then grab a green hoodie of mine to give ivy. she looks just as breathtaking with my green hoodie covering her as when naked or in a dress, i want her always.

acting on that, i lean forward and harshly press my lips onto hers. "fuck, i love you." i grunt with her lips molded into mine.

with a laugh, ivy pulls my body with hers and lets the both of us drop onto the bed.

"baby, take off your suit."

i sit up and plant a fake shock to my face. "i thought you loved this suit."

"i do, wear it for the wedding." she laughs. "i'd rather we have sex without ruining it though."

my eyes widen and my face is planted with real shock this time. "you're wild." i smirk.

"baby, we're getting married!" she squeals.

my clothes is off within seconds with help from her and a bunch of laughter.

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