twenty one

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march 2020
ivory (8-9 weeks pregnant)

harry and i just got home from our appointment with the midwife, i explained to her how extremely tired i was, which she said was normal, and that i should rest as much as possible.

she did ask if i was feeling sick or if i've had mood swings, which for what i know, i haven't.

harry also just performed at the brit awards and he was there for the whole evening, but i didn't go. first of all i was so tired, and secondly i wouldn't have been able to sit with him, but he had a good time with gemma.

i wrap myself around harry's body, wanting to feel close to him.

"what's up pretty girl? you wanna go for a walk or are you tired?" harry's full of energy, which has my mood changing a bit too.

i lean my chin on his chest to look up at him. "i'd love to." i peck his lips.

before i get to remove my lips from his, he leans forward over me, so the kiss continues. our lips move together slowly, before it turns hasty and i feel like it's almost too much for me.

we keep this random kiss going for a long time, none of us being able to get enough.

"i love you, let's get out." i chuckle, as the kiss comes to an end.

"i love you, baby."

harry's hands have been nowhere but my belly, he's always so affectionate, even though the baby is only about the size of a small strawberry.

talking to my belly is the first thing he does every morning, which warms my heart. i don't have the nerve to tell him, that our baby can't even hear yet.

harry and i go for a walk in a little park near his house, as far as we know, no photos were taken of us. the park is pretty empty anyways, apart from a few guys playing basketball.

we both listen in on their conversation, when we hear one of them. "ivory brooklyn is hotter."

harry holds me tighter and we turn away, not wanting to be seen. i often forget how famous i am. when people talk about bella, i obviously know how well known she is, but knowing i pop up in other peoples conversations is a weird thought.

"you know she's got a boyfriend now, right?" the other boys laugh at him.

i can't help but laugh and look up at harry. "you've got competition, baby."

the boys confused voice speaks. "what, really? who?"

harry and i sit down on the bench on the other side of the path, from where they're stood.

"harry styles, so you're never gonna get her, if that's her type." one of the boys laugh at him.

i look at harry. "not sure if i'm offended or not." harry smirks.

the boys continue talking, and i put my legs over harry's lap. we zone out from their conversation and relax.

"i brought you a granola bar." harry says, while he fishes it up from his pocket.

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