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september 2020

i have a baby girl.

i'm a mumma.

i'm so happy and so proud. i'm happy to have anne here i'm happier than ever to have harry right next to me, this couldn't have been better and now i've got the prettiest little baby in my arms.

she looks like harry. i can already tell she has gorgeous eyes like his and her mouth looks just like harry's too.

anne comes over and of course i want her to hold her granddaughter, so i pass my girl towards her.

anne swipes away a few tears from her eye and i can't help but laugh out of just pure happiness.

"i'm so proud of you sweetheart."

harry helps me wrap our girl in a blanket and we hand her over to anne.

"can i tell her the name?" harry's lips brush against my ear.

i smile up at him, because of how cute he's being. "of course."

"mum." harry gets her attention. "that's meadow."

her eyes light up. "meadow?" she looks back down at our baby. "hi meadow girl, hi you. aw, aren't you juat adorable."

anne keeps meadow entertained, while harry and i get something to eat.

the midwife and two other nurses weighted and measured her and i get cleaned up.

the next day.

we're packed up and ready to go back home. anne is at our house and gemma's on her way there.

"ready to go?" harry comes back up with my bag on his shoulder. he just went and put everything back in the car.

all i do is smile. i'm so in awe of him and knowing that he's all mine, is the best thing in life.

"is that a yes?" he brings me back to earth.

i breathe out a laugh. "mhmm."

harry's phone rings, which sadly breaks our eye contact. harry goes to answer and i see a slight shift in his face. he signals that he's going out the door. "just two minutes."

i nod and let him go.


i press answer and sit down on a chair right outside ivy's room. "wilma? why are you calling me, is everything okay?"

"dad i don't know. stop, stop." wilma's voice comes through. i hear glass shattering before the worst persons voice speaks. "where is ivory?"

"i told you. i promise, if she's not home, then i don't know." he's back?

wilma stayed at our place for a few days, but she's been back home and theos been with her for the past two weeks or so.

i'm at a loss for words. i need to go help wilma, but i also can't stress or worry ivy.

"wilma i don't think you can hear me, but i'm on my way." i hang up.

walking back i try to act calm. "ivy, i'm so sorry, but i need to go somewhere. i'll drive you home and then i'll be really fast. i'm so sorry, baby."

"no, don't worry that's okay. what, what is it?" i can tell she's putting on a brave face for. i mean we just had a baby, there's no excuse for me to leave.

i don't want ivy to stress at all, i want her to spend time with our girl and just have no worries. i don't wanna hurt her feelings by doing something with no matter, so i tell her the dumbest excuse possible.

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