twenty five

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june, 2020 (27 weeks pregnant)

i could stay this close to ivy forever. she's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. i want this so much, i want all of her so much.

she makes me feel all good things. only good things.

"you're perfect." i breathe out and place my head on her chest.

"we need to stop waking up like this." she giggles, which has my face turning into the biggest smile.

"i'm just so obsessed with you." i place my hand on her bump and lean up to kiss her.

ivy's been having so much energy the last few days. she's been in bed for almost a full week, just relaxing. her back isn't sore anymore, but i'm still trying to let her relax.

we're visiting wilma tonight. she's been out of the hospital for a few days and she's been doing okay, but ivy had to see her. i'm pretty sure bella's coming with us too.

"okay, let me make you some food." i say, before lifting myself up over her.

"we don't have anything good." and she's back to being a completely different person.

ivy's had a few wild mood swings. the other night we were laying in bed, and she started complaining because my body was too hot around hers. i just moved to the other side, so she could have space, but the second i did, she got all sad because i'd left her.

i think it's cute, as long as she doesn't push me away again when we cuddle.

"baby, i'll get you whatever you want." i try.

ivy pulls the duvet closer to her body and groans.

"come on mumma. what are you craving?"

"pizza." she quickly speaks up.

"pizza for breakfast?" i smirk at her, but she hides her face, so that was probably not too smart. "baby, i'll get you pizza."

she lets the duvet down again and her head pops up, with the biggest smile shown. "really?" she says enthusiastically.

i can't help but chuckle. "of course babe. i'll go right now. what kind?"

"pepperoni with dressing!" she exclaims. "oh and the parma ham one please, please, please."

"two pizzas it is." i start getting dressed.

"wait maybe two is too much." ivy starts.

"baby, you can have however many pizzas you'd like, plus i'll eat whatever you have left over."

ivy smiles. "you're gonna eat pizza for breakfast?" she asks.

"hey. you're the one who's really eating the pizza, i'm just against food waste." i smirk.

"we'll i'm pregnant, so i'm not weird for it."

"alright, alright." i sit down in the bed with ivy. "give me a kiss before i go get you your food."

she leans up to peck my lips. "i love you, thank you harry."

i get dressed and go to get ivory her pizza quickly.

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