epilogue IV

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march 8th, 2030
ivory: 33
harry: 36
meadow: 9
wiley: 6
august: 3


"we're all going!" i laugh and shout in agreement with my tiny six year old.

she's used to never coming with harry and i to award shows or interviews, but this time harry begged me to bring all three of them.

for the third time, i'm nominated for best actress at the oscars. i stopped acting for four years, then after i had wiley i did two movies and the last few years, i'd been missing it enough to fully get back.

for the film 'blinded life', i'm nominated and so is greta gerwig for best director and ryan reynolds, who's my costar.

"wiley, i've got your dress in my room." meadows voice gets wileys attention and i pat her back and let her run up to find her older sister.

"glams here in a sec." andrea tells me, so i walk upstairs to find harry and august.

"no, daddy. daddy stop it." i hear baby giggles.

sadly, august has most of my features. he's got harry's dark hair and all three of our babies have his perfect smile, but other than that august is a mini me.

meadow and wiley are mini harry's and it's the most adorable thing ever. they have different hair colours, but other than that look almost identical.

i walk into harry and i's room and see auggie on the floor squiring to get away from harry, who's tickling him.

"boys, what is going on here!" i laugh at the both of them and their heads turn at the exact same time.

"mummy!" august stands up and starts jumping towards me.

"look at you go!" i chuckle at his many jumps.

"daddy was tickling me! he tickled me!" august beams, while still jumping up and down.

i bend down to lift him up."i love you so much, auggie."

"mummy, i love you." his hands meet behind my neck and he presses a kiss to my lips.

i hug him and keep his body close, wanting to feel the energy my loving baby is radiating.

"daddy, told me you're wearing pink!" august smiles.

his favorite color has become pink, just like the rest of the family, so of course i was gonna put on a pink dress tonight.

"okay, starboy. run to your room and get your clothes, then daddy will come help you in a sec." harry interrupts my perfect moment with my favorite little boy.

august agrees and runs out of our room.

"you look so perfect." harry's arms snake around my body.

i look down at myself. "no make up and nothing but a robe, guess that'll do it." i laugh at him.

he hums in agreement and walks us towards the bed. i hold onto his neck as we fall down on the bed. his hand roams up and down my left hip and thigh.

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