twenty two

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april 2020
ivory (18 weeks pregnant)

i'm woken up by harry planting kisses all over my face. my mouth opens in the biggest smile and when i open my eyes, harry presses a kiss to my lips.

i giggle. "good morning, baby."

"happy birthday, pretty mumma." he chuckles and lays down properly on top of me, of course not leaning on my belly.

i'm half way through my pregnancy now.

i wrap my arms around his back. "thank you, cutie."

"what do you wanna do today? i've got stuff planned from like 3 o clock. so we've got the start of the day to do whatever you'd like." he mumbles, with his face hidden in my neck.

"what's happening at 3?" i smirk.

harry lifts his head and looks at me. "none of your concern. now let me say good morning to my baby boy."

harry moves down to my pretty large bump. it's been growing a lot around month four, so my baby's all grown now and it's hard to get used to.

"girl." i tell him sternly. harry and i we're sat talking about names a few nights ago, and i told him i think it's a girl, so therefore he's made sure to go for boy.

"okay, okay. we'll see." he smirks before tuning all his attention in on our baby.

"hi cute one. your mumma's taking such good care of you." he kisses my bump. "and you've grown so big."

i rest my hand on my bump and start scratching it a little. it's a lot to get used to falling asleep with this bump.

"now i'm gonna go take care of your mumma on her birthday, okay baby?"

our baby kicks.

harry's eyes shoot up to meet mine. both of us in shock. the midwife did say the baby would start kicking after sixteen weeks, but we weren't expecting it.

"they just kicked." i whisper.

"our baby kicked." harry agrees.

both of us are in shock when another kick hits. "oh my god." i whisper through a smile.

harry crawls back up over me. "that was a happy birthday kick." he smiles with his dimple on full display.

i smile of pure admiration for harry, our baby and what my life has become.

i kiss his lips and then go to sit up properly. "i'm starving."

i've never eaten as much in my life as these past four months, but i've been extra hungry the last few weeks. "baby, could we go out to eat? like brunch."

"absolutely. today is whatever you want."

i smile and my cheeks turn red. "okay babydaddy, help me out of here."

my back and especially my legs have been extremely sore these past days.

"come here baby, i've got you." harry takes my hands and pulls me up, so i'm stood naked before him.

he soothes my bump with one hand. "you're so pretty."

honestly, i haven't been too insecure over my body during pregnancy. i know this is normal and after all i'm growing a human in here.

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