twenty six

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june, 2020 (27 weeks pregnant)

i wake up with my cheek smooched against bella's bare back.

bella got pretty drunk last night, so wilma let her stay here with us. there's no extra rooms, cause wilma already has three other guests, so bella got harry's spot. i'm not sure harry was too happy about it, but we couldn't put bella on the couch.

bella's definitely gonna be sleeping for a few more hours, so i decide to go downstairs to harry.

at the same time as i pull away from bella, the door slowly opens.

harry walks in. we lock eyes and i smile. "hi baby." he whispers.

i move around, so i can sit up, but harry walks over and stops me.

"lay with me, please." he looks down at me.

i hum and nod, then i lay down again with my back against bella's.

"c'mere then." i whisper with a laugh.

harry and i lay with our bodies intertwined. we squeeze together in a cuddle, so we have room. "this is nice." harry mumbles.

"was the sofa that bad?" i smirk.

he nods exaggerated. "bella's never stealing you again."

i nod in agreement to make him smile.

"wanna kiss me?" harry murmurs, as he squeezes his face close to mine.

"no." i say, but peck his lips and he catches my lips before i get to remove them again.

he chuckles, which has me feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"okay. how about we leave bella to sleep." i say and loosen my hold around harry.

harry gets up and pulls me with him. "let's make breakfast, sunshine."

we start walking downstairs. "i'm not really hungry."

"you.. are not hungry?" he stops us on the stairs. "i don't believe you."

"that's rude." i poke his chest. "i'll still make food for you."

"mhmm." he nods with confidence. "you're gonna end up eating half of what's on my plate, baby."

"am not."

harry walks further towards the kitchen. "if you say so."

i run after him. "i wanna hit you."

he turns around and smirks. "i'd let you, you know."

i can't help but laugh. "you're making it very hard to be mad at you."

both of us laugh and harry's dimple becomes prominent. "i love your dimple."

"i love your everything."

i lean up on my toes for a kiss.

"since you know i'm gonna eat some, then i decide what we're having. so we're making burritos." i give harry a cocky smile.

"no, baby. i was gonna make blueberry pancakes." he walks closer.

i let my hands travel up and down his sides. "sorry, hottie." harry smirks at that. "i want burritos."

he leans down to plant a kiss to my lips, but i turn so his mouth meets my cheek instead.

"burritos for a kiss?"

harry just hums, his body leaning over mine.

i let out a loud laugh, which is quickly interrupted by harry's lips being on mine.

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