Chapter 18 - In vain

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Liam's POV

She breathed deeply as she closed the lid of his laptop angrily and stood up.

"Even if you bring me all flowers in New York, I won't forgive you. How could you think that I slept with your brother?" She stated in irritation, clenching her fist.

"No, I didn't think such a thing." I shook my head.

She gave me an unconvinced smirk. "Of course," she mocked.

I sighed sadly. "I am really sorry, Aurora. I... I got jealous, but believe me I didn't think you play with both of us." I gave her an apologetic look. "Please accept my apology." I pleaded and extended the bouquet towards her.

After thinking for a few seconds, she took the roses. I grinned happily, feeling relieved. Then she turned around and threw the bouquet into the dustbin. I looked at her with wide eyes, my jaw dropped.

"Your apology isn't accepted, Mr. Anderson." She gave me an arrogant look and left, slamming the door behind her.


I grimaced, rubbing my temple as I woke up on the couch in my studio. I stood up sleepily as I felt thirsty. When I wanted to go to the kitchen, I stumbled as I didn't pay attention to the empty bottles on the floor.

A weight settled on my heart when I passed by the unfinished canvas I was drawing yesterday.


I missed her so much. It had been three weeks since I saw her. I had been staying in my studio without leaving it, spending my time on drawing and drinking.

After trying to make her forgive me in vain for three weeks, I decided to stop bothering her as my hopes vanished one by one. She would never forgive me.

Yes, I admit I shouldn't have been suspicious of her having an affair with Troy, but when Troy barged into the suite, looking furious, I couldn't control my emotions.

And I lost my only chance with her.

Maybe, Aurora didn't forgive me because she was waiting for the opportunity to get rid of me. From the beginning, it was me who tried hard to get closer to her. And that night... if she wasn't drunk, she would have never slept with me.

Probably, I was just fooling myself thinking that I could win her heart.

I heaved a loud sigh and walked towards the kitchen. After pouring a glass of water for myself, I leaned against the kitchen and sipped my water, lost in my thoughts.

I frowned in annoyance as someone knocked on the door. Probably, it was Troy. Just he knew I was staying here. I lied to my parents and Eddie that I was going on a vacation because I wanted to be alone. I wasn't planning to tell Troy as well, but he saw me when I went to buy a few bottles of whiskey and some snacks. So I had to tell him the truth.

Once I opened the door, I went to continue drawing.

"You look awful. Haven't you eaten anything?" Troy asked, concerned and frowned, looking at me.

I rubbed my beard and mumbled sadly, gesturing to the coffee table. "I ate pizza."

"Just one slice?" He raised his eyebrow, looking at the box of pizza. "When did you order it? It is spoiled." Troy asked, wrinkling his nose.

"Three or four days ago." I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

He shook his head in disapproval and looked at the empty bottles scattered on the floor.

"You have to pull yourself together." Troy commented worriedly as he approached me.

"It is easy to say." I mumbled sadly, looking at Aurora's face on the canvas.

"I know." Troy sighed, resting his hand into his pocket.

I shook my head as I stood up and grabbed my glass. I sat down on the couch and sipped my whiskey, lost in my thoughts.

Troy approached me and snatched the glass out my hand.

"Troy!" I exclaimed, annoyed.

"It won't help, believe me." He commented, giving me a knowing look. I heaved a loud sigh and held my head between my hands. "Instead of going into depression, do something to get her back. Don't give up on the woman you love." He stated firmly and squeezed my shoulder slightly.

"Even when she doesn't want me?!" I asked mockingly as sadness filled my heart. "She was waiting for me to make a mistake to get rid of me." I added sadly and ran my hand through my disheveled hair.

"Are you sure she doesn't want you?" Troy asked, raising his eyebrow. "I don't think so, lil bro.  You just scared her with your womanizer reputation. So pull yourself together and vanish her all worries about you." I bit my lower lip, thinking. "Come on. Firstly, you have to take a shower. You stink. Even your crazy fans would run away if they see you in this state." He teased me, grinning.

I gave him a slight smile. "I don't think so."

Troy chuckled, amused. "My arrogant little brother is coming back. It is a good sign." He winked at me playfully. "Come on!" He tapped on my shoulder.  "Take a shower and get ready. You are coming with me to our traditional Sunday dinner."

"Oh no! I am not ready to explain to them why I lied to them about being abroad." I shook my head. "Moreover, as soon as Mom sees me, she will understand that something happened."

He nodded. "Yes, you are right. Then I will drop you off home. However, after dinner, we will hang out together. I don't accept any excuses." I nodded, sighing as I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Aurora's POV

I bit my lower lip, starting at Liam on the big billboard in front of the mall. I hadn't seen him the last few weeks. I should admit that I missed him. I heard from Serena that he was abroad, but I didn't know when he was coming back.

Stop thinking about him, Aurora!

You must be happy that he stopped bothering you.

"Rory, what are you doing here?" My mother asked, interrupting my thoughts as she approached me, holding my son in her arms.

"Nothing, Mom."  I mumbled and gave her a nervous smile. She frowned as she saw the billboard. I averted my gaze, ruffling my hair. "Come to your mother, Luke." I told my son softly and took him in my arms before walking towards the main entrance.


I knocked on the door and walked in as I heard Serena's voice. There was a man sitting in the chair beside her desk. He probably was in his late twenties or early thirties. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and looked quite handsome in his custom-made suit.

"Aurora, let me introduce you to Logan Harrison. He will be one of the charity gala sponsors. And Mr. Harrison, she is my personal assistant, Aurora Harris." Serena introduced us to each other.

He stood up and extended his hand towards me. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Harris." He gave me a bright smile and placed a soft kiss on top of my hand.

"Nice to meet you."

"Please give him information about the activities of  our charity fund." Serena told me firmly.

"Sure." I nodded.

"See you later, Mrs. Anderson." Logan gave Serena a polite smile and turned towards me, gesturing to me to leave first.


"Hey! How are you?" Logan gave me a charming smile as he walked into my office.

"Hi. Fine. And you?" I greeted him happily.

The last few days Logan and I had been keeping in contact. We talked about the charity event in the beginning, but later we became friends. We got along very well. He was a polite, caring and kind man. So when he told me that he was called "Ice King" in the business world in his country, I was surprised because he didn't look like a cold-hearted man. He was the CEO of their family company which was located in London.

"Good. I bought your Thai food." He showed me the plastic bags he was holding in his hands. "It is my favorite. You should try them. They are delicious. So when you told me you can't go to have lunch because you are busy, I decided to pop in and not to let you starve." He winked at me playfully.

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