Chapter 3

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Why do people celebrate their birthdays if it's going to be the same every year? It doesn't make sense to me. But apparently people gets gifts so maybe that's why they love it. I, on the other hand, hate it. I don't like my birthday. It's just useless to me.

I had my eyes closed when I felt some movement in my room. I tried figuring it out but I couldn't. It was too much so I grabbed my gun that was under the table, and raised it up. A boy around my age maybe, was holding a cake.

I immediately shot the cake. A couple of times making some pieces go flying everywhere. "Holy cow!" The boy said with cake all over his face. They all froze. It was Yelena, the boy that I have no idea who he is, Tony and Clint.

Clint just had a smile on his face. "Just like your mother" he whispers but I heard him. "убери пистолет" (put the gun away) Yelena told me. I sigh and hid it under my pillow. "So she doesn't like cake?" Tony ask everyone and they all rolled their eyes at him. I don't know why he does that so much.

"Um happy birthday? My names Peter. Peter Parker" I simply nod and get out of bed, making my way to the blond woman. "You know I don't like my birthday" I told her as I look at the messed up cake. "I know but you will after today" she pulls me into a hug.

"Ugh, now I need to fix these walls" Tony spoke and walked out my room, bumping into Wanda on the way out. "Come on, let's celebrate!" She drags my hand and rushes out of my room.

Why is she dragging me like I'm some kind of dog? "Stop it!" I yanked my hand out of hers making her stop in her tracks. She looks at me. I know she's hurt but she covers that up soon anyways. "Sorry" I cross my arms and walk the other way.

"Where you going?" Clint ask as he turns me back around and walks towards Wanda. "Bed" I told him. He chuckles and we make our way to the living room.

Natasha was there. She looked up from her spot, then rolled her eyes and turned around. Okay then. No happy birthday's from my own mother once again. That's why I hate my birthday.

"We have cake, gifts for you and we're gonna watch a movie" Wanda rushed to the kitchen and got a new cake. "We kind of figured you'd do something to the first cake so there's another one" she smiles and brought it up to me.

"Shall we sing?" Wanda ask with hope in her eyes. I just look at her and she shrinks back a little. I don't like being the center of the attention so I'm panicking on the inside. "Um let's eat some breakfast first" Yelena saved me while ushering the others in the dining room.

We all sat down and they gave me some pancakes. I love pancakes. "Thank you" I smile at Pepper who put some whipping cream and syrup on it for me. When I was younger, I would always ask for a cherry on top...but I won't ask. That's just rude. But maybe I can ask since it's my birthday?

I think I was thinking a little too hard since Natasha was now staring at me. A little too much and it's making me a little uncomfortable but she's my mom. Right? "What's wrong?" Yelena whispered in my ear which Natasha picked up on.

"Um can I have-" I got cut off by Natasha finishing my sentence. "A cherry on top" she said while looking at me. "Yeah..." I look over at Yelena then back at her but she's gone. "A cherry for the birthday girl" Clint plops one on for me and I thank him.

We all chat and eat lots of food. I told them some stories. Stories that I could remember. Natasha was in most of them and they felt bad for me but I told them it's not a big deal. It's not like she's trying to forget about me right? It's not her fault her memory got whipped.


"Hey!" I jump around and twist the persons arm behind my back. "It's just me" the person said and I snap out of it. I look and see that it was Wanda. I quickly let her go. "I'm sorry" I mumble but she just smiles like nothing happened. "Don't worry about it. Oh, I came here to ask if you wanted to go out" I tilted my head.

Anastasia RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now