Chapter 11

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I groan turning around already knowing who it is. The little brats from school that won't leave me alone. The ones who were making fun of my hair. If I could kill them I would but I can't. Mom said I can't just kill whoever I don't like.

"Well look who it is" the blond bitch smiles at me as I just roll my eyes. "What do you want, Madison?" Peter comes up to me and glares at her. Well, tried to at least. He can't look scary whatsoever.

"Our parents got invited to this party and we wanted to come" she answers while her minions are looking around the place acting like its disgusting. "Who are your parents?" Wanda ask leaning on me a little. I think she drank a little too much.

"Over there" Madison points to a set of parents who are talking with others. I know Wanda is about to do something but I shake my head telling her not to be stupid. "I'll be right back" Wanda says apparently sober now.

I sigh and watch her walk over to Tony and Pepper who are having a civil conversation with Steve and Sam. "I think that's the weird witch person" one of Madison's minion spoke making my blood boil.

"Weirdo" the other minion said making we want to throw her against the wall and punch the shit out of her but I won't. Because I'm a good kid. Peter and I stood there listening to the shit they say about our friends and family and I had enough.

"If I can't do something about it then my mom will" I mumble to Peter and I'm pretty sure that Madison and her clan heard me. "She won't do shit" Madison whispers as I just look at her with a smirk. "We'll see" I walk away and start my acting.

I rush over to mom and Maria, crying. "Что с тобой, принцесса?" (What's wrong, princess?) She ask handing her drink over to Maria so that she can pull me into a hug. I cry for a little while and look over to see Peter and the girls looking at what's going on. I give them a smile and continue crying.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" She pulls away wiping my tears away. "Те девушки там высмеивали мои волосы и Питера" (Those girls over there have been making fun of my hair and Peter) I point over to the group.

"Aren't those the girls you were talking about earlier..." Bucky walks up to us glaring at them. I tell him to shut up before he gets me into trouble. "Who are there're parents?" Maria ask looking around. Now the whole team is around me asking questions to make sure we're okay.

Tony dragged Peter over to ask him questions. "They've been making fun of her hair all day" Peter tells Tony. "Okay, son" he says and claps his shoulders. "I'll be right back" mom whispers to me making sure no one else heard her but Bucky did. I don't know how but he did.

I watch mom make her way over to the girls and talking to them. They look scared and I'm glad. It looks like they are in tears. Ha! That's what they get.

"You guys are not welcomed to any of these parties anymore and if your kids say and do anything that hurts our kids, then they will have to deal with the avengers and trust don't want that" we heard Tony tell her parents as they walk past us.

Wanda rushes up to me with a smile. "What's that smile for?" Peter ask her uncertain of what's going to happen. "Look what I did to their cars" she whispers. Oh no. Peter and I rush over to the big ass window and look outside. "That's not even a car anymore" Thors loud voice came from behind us, making us jump.

And that's how the party ended. Well...not really. Everyone left and now it's just the avengers in the room. We were playing a game to see who could lift Thors hammer until a robot came walking in.

"Um...Tony?" Steve spoke. I look up to see some wires coming out of it and he looks funny. Definitely not what a normal robot should look like. I wasn't paying much attention to what it was saying until Maria got up from next to me and everyone has theirs weapons ready.

Anastasia RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now