Chapter 15

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Nothing really happened after those two words. Bucky was there and shot him. After he shot him, he looked at me to see if I was okay. I nod my head then he looks behind me and freezes. "Don't just stand there" I tell him. It's like he's in a trance.

"Bucky!" I yell. He snaps out of it and rushes over. He picks her up and rushed out of the building. "She's loosing blood" he set her on the table and we rushed back out. We were pretty much done but the Hulk was still Hulking.

He's going crazy. "Stay here" Bucky informed me so I did. He went to kill more people as I hid behind a massive rock. I then felt a big thud and a growl behind me. I slowly turn around and see the hulk looking at me.

He picks up a tree and lifts it up in the air. He better not throw that at me. "Hey what are you doing?! It's me! Anna!" I shout hoping he would stop and notice it's me but he didn't. "Bruce" this is scaring me. "You're scaring me"

He threw the tree but it didn't hit me. I look and see that's it's surrounded by red mist. "Go!" Wanda shouts setting the tree doing and try calming the big green Hulk. I didn't move. I was too scared. "Anna! Leave!" I shake my head.

"Anna, come on" I felt someone pick me up and carry me to the jet. "I thought she died!" I heard Clint shout making me jump. "What happened?" he ask who ever was helping me. "She's in shock. I think Bruce scared her" I got set down.

"She'll be alright"


I was not alright I can tell you that. I sat in my room crying and wishing that I didn't go. Wanda left for another mission so I didn't have anyone to really talk to. I sigh and put my hoodie on and walked to the med bay to see if that girl was still alive.

I slowly make my way over. I peek and see her sitting there. I walk in and she quickly looks at me before relaxing. "Hey" she smiles and I walk over. Leaving room for her. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "Okay. Thank you" I nod.

"But you said that was normal for it to happen" I look back to see Tony, Clint, Bruce and Bucky walking in. I immediately rushed next to Bucky. Why? I was still scared of Bruce but why Bucky and not Clint?

"So how are you doing kid?" Tony asked, sitting down in his chair and rolling it over to the girl. She didn't say anything. "Alright then. You are all good to go just take it easy. Anna can show you to a room" she nods.

I made my way over to her eyeing Bruce just in case. "Come on" I help her out and we make our way to the rooms. "So what's your name?" I ask her. "Sasha" I nod. "I like that name. I'm Anastasia but you can call me Anna" she nods.

"How old are you?" she shrugs. "Almost 16 I think" I open a door for her. "Cool so you're going to have a sweet sixteen" she gives me a small smile. "I won't have anyone to celebrate it with. Like past few years" I frown as she looks around.

"Well you got me to celebrate it with" she turns around and gives me a genuine smile. " I staying here?" she sits on the bed. "I don't know. Where are your parents" she sighs and looks down. "Don't have any"

"Then I'm sure they won't mind you staying here" she thanks me. "Well, you can take a shower if you'd like" I show her to her own bathroom. "Towels are under the sink and there's some hair products over here and some facial things that you can use" I open the drawers for her.

"They're all new and for you to use" she thanks me once again. "I'll get you some clothes to change in" I quickly rush to my moms room and find a hoodie and some sweats since mine will probably be a little too small for her.

I rush back and see her standing at the same spot as before. I set the clothes down next to the towel. "My room is right across from yours. Come knock on my door when you're done" she nods and I leave her.

Anastasia RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now