Chapter 8

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I slowly open my eyes to see the bright sun shining through trying to burn my eyes. I groan and tried to move but I couldn't. I started to panic remembering the times in the red room until I felt a soft hand on my cheek.

I snap out of it and look down to see Wanda staring at me. "You okay? You were panicking" she smiles making me relax instantly. This never happened before. How I just relaxed like that. It's weird.

"Yeah. I'm fine" she nods and lets go of my cheek. "We should get up. Morgan wants to go to the beach again" she told me and I nod. She detangles out legs and removes her arms from my waist so that she can get up.

I get up myself, sitting on the edge of the bed to get down. As I tried reaching for the wooden floor, I felt something hard instead. I didn't think too much about it. I stepped on it making it groan.

I look down to see Kate laying on the floor. "Watch where your stepping, idiot" she sits up, rubbing her stomach. "That was so much pressure I thought my tampon was going to pop out" she said making Wanda laugh.

"What's a tampon?" I ask them as I climb over Kate. "It's something you use when your on your period" Wanda tells me as she goes to my closet for god knows what. "I don't get those" I tell them. "Lucky" Kate spoke but I shake my head. "It means I can't have kids" I mumble.

"I'm sorry but then how did know" she did hand movements that were probably dirty. "Don't ask me these things because I know nothing" she chuckles as I check to see what Wanda is doing.

"Why are you in the closet?" I ask her. "Yeah Wanda. Why are you back in the closet?" Kate spoke making Wanda use her powers to throw something at her. "Why are you even here?" she ask coming out wearing some shorts and a hoodie.

"Why are you having a sleepover without me?" Kate snapped back. I'm staying out of this. I remember that we were going to the beach so I got ready. Kate was ready already since she came earlier to tell us to get ready but then she gave up and fell asleep.

Wanda ran to her room to get ready and we waited for her in her room. "Ready" she walks out of her bathroom with my hoodie on, still, and we walk out to go downstairs.

We walk to the kitchen to see people getting ready. Mom is packing some food and trying to get Tony out of her hair. "Tony! I'm giving you one second to leave me alone before I round house your ass" she warned him. "Fine. I'm leaving" he mumbles and walks away.

"Nice bathing suit" Peter spoke to me. I only had shorts on and my bathing suit top on. I didn't have time to put on a shirt. "Keep your eyes to yourself" Wanda poked him making him groan. 'Put on a shirt' Wanda spoke in my head. I roll my eyes and put it on.

"Good morning Tasha" I heard Maria say. She walked over to my mom and kissed her cheek. I almost chocked on my drink. I didn't see anything if anyone ask. "Let's go" Morgan ushers us out of the building. Not everyone came today since people had to stay back.

We all walk to the beach together. It was mom, Maria, Wanda, Kate, Peter, Morgan, Pepper, Clint, Steve and me. We soon arrive and we set out things down. Wanda obviously sat her stuff next to mine. Kate and Peter had to fight for the spot next to me.

Peter, eventually, took the spot. He only had his swimming trucks on so I saw this small tattoo he had. It was numbers for something. Like a date or something like that. "I like your tattoo" he looks down at them and smiles a little.

"What are those numbers for?" I was curious okay? "It's the date my parents died" my jaw dropped to the floor. "Oh I'm sorry" I give him a hug which I didn't want to but I felt like I had too. "Don't be" we pull away and Morgan comes running to us.

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