Chapter 12

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"I like you too, Wands" she looks up at me with a huge smile. "Really?" I nod my head and she pulls me into a tight ass hug almost killing me. Just kidding. "Can I take you out tomorrow after school?" I ask her. "Yes" she kisses my cheek and starts crying again.

"Okay why are you crying again? I'll leave if that's why. I don't want to see you cry so I'll leave" I got up but she stopped me by sitting on my lap. "I'm sorry. I don't want you to leave. I get emotional when I'm on my period" I nod.

"That's okay. You want anything?" I ask her. I don't know what this is all like since I don't get those so this could be interesting. She stares at me with this face I never saw her do.

I shake her waist a little. She then pulls this face like she's hurting. "Wands. Do you want me to get you anything?" I ask. She slowly nods head and tells me that she wanted some Advil that was on her dresser.

"Okay but you gotta get up so I can get it" she shakes her head. I sigh and pick up and walk us to the dresser then back to the bed. She takes the pills and we lay down. "Wait. Let me go change" I got up and went to her closet. I took my dress off and put on some of her pyjamas.

I then jump on her bed and lay down. She turns the tv on and lays down literally on top of me. We start watching this weird show that the loves so I'm not complaining. But she keeps moving and it's annoying.

"Wands. What are you doing?" She groans and glares at me. I back away a little just in case she's going to slap the shit out of me which she doesn't. Thank god. "Get away from me" she shoves me making me fall.

Is this woman okay?

I'm not sitting on the floor while she's taking the whole bed. This is boring. "I'll be right back" I said getting off the floor and walking to the door. "Fine. Leave me alone" I bang my head on the door open to do some damage.

I turn around and look at her. She's already shooting daggers at me. "Do you want to come? I can carry you?" She just stares at me and sighs. "No. I'll stay here" then why was she-

"I can hear your thoughts" she cuts me off. I nervously laugh and ran out the room straight into Kate. Why is she always here?

"Save me oh my god" I literally hug her which took her by surprise since I don't really like hugging people. "Why? What's wrong?" She pulls away and looks at me then starts to LAUGH.

"Good luck with that one. It's not easy to deal with her when she's on her period" she warns me and simply walks away. "Anna" I can hear Wanda whine from her room. I sigh and make my way over.

"Yes?" I walk over to her. "Where's the Advil" she mumbles, getting up, and opening her arms for me. I gladly hug her but she jumps and wraps her legs and arms around me.

"I was going to get it but you called me" she nods then jumps down. "Can we go have fun? I'm bored and hungry" I nod following her out of the room.

"Following your future wife somewhere?" Kate came out of nowhere. "Can you stop?" I ask her. "No. I hope you know I'll be your bridesmaid at your child's favourite aunt" I roll my eyes.

"эй, милый" (hey lovely) mom walks up to us and pulls me into a side hug. "Привет мама" (hey mom). "Вы двое наконец-то вместе?" (are you two finally together?). "Are you and Maria?" I ask back.

"I knew it! You guys were all over each other at the party" Kate mentions and we all agree. "Can I still my baby for a minute?" she ask my friends. They all nod and leave us alone.

"What's up?" she pulls me into the kitchen where Yelena, Bucky and Tony are hanging out. "Is it okay if I go out tonight?" seriously? "Yeah why wouldn't it be?" she shrugs while tossing me something I've never seen before.

"What's this?" I examine is. Why is the outside fluffy? "It's called a Kiwi" Bucky steps in. "Oh cool" I look at it before taking a bite out of it but everyone yelled at me to stop.

"You're not suppose to eat it like that. And I thought you were smart" okay rude. "Say that again about my daughter Tony. Come on, say it" mom is crossing her arms while playing with one of her many knives on her.

"I'd rather live" he says walking away. Mom shows me the right way to eat this Kiwi and it taste a little weird. It is not my favourite.

"So Bucky" I sit down next to him at the table. Mom was eyeing us a little. Why? Who knows. "No you may not take my arm" darn. "You dating anyone?" I lean my head on my arm looking at him, waiting.

"Eh no" I smirk. "The other day you told me you had a special someone" he nods and I continue. "Who was it? Is she pretty? Is she nice?" he chuckles at all my questions.

"Anna...don't annoy the poor man" mom warns me. She has this look in her eyes and I don't know what it means.

"It was someone special. Yes she's very pretty. She also reminds me a little of you. You guys act the same. She can come out as a bitch but she really is a softy" sounds like my mom.

"Do you think I met her before? You also told me that she was in the red room" he nods his head and looks at mom. It's like they are having a silent convo. "I'm going to leave before this gets messy" Yelena spoke and left.

"You guys have met her before" okay so who is it? "Would you tell me who it is one day?" I ask standing up since I saw Wanda trying to usher me out of the room. "If she lets me"

Anastasia RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now