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STEVE AND REBECCA PEERED between trees, staring at the guarded entrance to the Hydra facility with mouths gaped open in fear

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STEVE AND REBECCA PEERED between trees, staring at the guarded entrance to the Hydra facility with mouths gaped open in fear. Lights panned the area, and there had to be at least twenty guards around (counting the ones in the watch towers), all alert and most armed. The place was surrounded by a tall barbwire fence which Bex presumed was locked.

The duo ducked behind brushes after hearing the rumble of trucks coming down the road beside the dark woods. Their headlights shone brightly in the deep fog of the night, and you could see their silhouettes as they drove past, thundering loudly. Steve and Rebecca turned to each other immediately— he nodded toward the trucks and got up. She followed him.

Hand in hand as to not lose each other, they ran after the last truck. Bex found it hard to keep up with the super soldier, but his hand gripping hers helped her run quicker then she usually would be able to. As the headlights got further and the road got darker, Steve and Rebecca hopped into the back of one of the trucks through a sheet covering the cargo. They rolled in and opened their eyes to two armed guards, Hydra logo on their shoulders, staring at them through their face-covering helmets.

"Fellas," said Steve.

They ran up to him. Rebecca gasped as one jumped at her. Steve, with his super-soldier strength, was always ready, but Rebecca had just rolled in and was definitely not. She kicked him in the crotch and he fell back, allowing her time to stand up. There wasn't much room around, as the hold was filled with crates, but the space would have to do. She took him off guard as he attempted to get up and kicked him again, this time toward the sheet that covered the back of the truck.  He grunted and fell back that was as Steve pushed the other man out of the end of the truck.  He stepped in front of Bex and she stepped back, allowing Steve to kick the other man out as well.

"Easy enough," said Steve, sitting down on one of the crates behind him.  "You good?" he asked her.

"I'm good," she replied.  "We should have taken their uniforms."

Steve looked at the sheet they had just pushed them out of.  "I don't think they'd fit us anyway." 

The truck rumbled and bounced under their feet as they rode into the facility, undetected.  Bex was thankful that it was dark. They felt the truck pull into its docking bay then reverse. There was light coming through the sheet in the back of the truck from lamps on the side of the building. The truck slowed to a stop.

"They're going to check the cargo," whispered Bex.

"I know. Get behind me." Steve knelt down and used the shield to cover himself and Rebecca. When the cover on the back of the truck was opened, the Hydra goon stood for a moment, confused, then Steve shoved the shield in his face, knocking him backward with a short clang. He turned around to face Bex and nodded the other way. They hopped out of the back of the truck quietly and took quick steps toward the facility. There was chatter over a PA system and bright lights shone everywhere. Bex had no idea how they would get through here unscathed. Surely they would be noticed. Steve quite literally had the American flag on his back.

They snuck into the lot filled with Hydra tanks, logo painted large and white on every machine. They snuck in between the rows of the vehicles, stopping every so often to gage how many people were watching. They would sprint from hiding spot to hiding spot. Steve spotted an entrance where they would be undetected— on top of the roof of part of the facility. They sprinted across the lot and Steve climbed up one of the Hydra tanks. Bex stepped on top of the tread then took Steve's hand when he offered it. He allowed her up first, making sure she was steady on the roof before he let go of her hand and climbed up himself. They ran up the wide roof over a hallway and looked through a door at the end leading to a second level— one of the guards was inside, but he was not looking through the door.

Steve tapped twice at the door and the German guard opened it, looking around through the slightly opened door perfore spotting Steve and Bex. As he did, Steve slammed the door as his head poked through and he fell over. Steve and Rebecca tiptoed over him then his between some large crates. They were in a room colored gray all over covered in metal pipes and beams. Large bombs sat dormant in the middle of the room, some surrounded by scaffolding. Guards paced with glowing weapons in their hands, alert. Steve grabbed Rebecca's hand after waiting for a second and jogged to conceal them between the uncovered insides of the bombs. Pistols at the ready, they paused in every hiding spot and watched their left and right before moving again. The tall bombs they walked between were intricate with wires and metal boning to keep everything stable. Rebecca knew that if Steve jumped on top of one of these, it wouldn't do anything for anyone else, let alone himself.

They continued their trek through the bustling facility between large rocket-shaped bombs. Steve looked left, then right, and spotted a round of whatever glowing blue ammunition was in the guards' weapons. It was secured in a large wheel but also laid around it on a metal table. Steve picked up a small device and turned it over. He showed it to Rebecca, and she glanced at it, then looked up at him. He pocketed it and looked up and around to make sure no one saw them.

Finally, they got to the dark room above the cages they held the Allied prisoners in. The men were all completely silent. One guard paced the room, walking over the cages below with a weapon at the ready. Steve and Rebecca walked through the door extremely quietly— he was facing the other way when they entered— they only saw his silhouette and the blue light on his back holding the power for his weapon. Silently still, Steve let go of Rebecca's hand and stepped a couple paces forward.   From the dusty windows on the sides of the large room came cloudy light that left only slight highlights on the edges of Steve's outline as he walked away.  Rebecca didn't want to make a single noise, so she stayed put.  With two more steps from Steve, he held up his gun and pulled the trigger, killing the Hydra guard in his tracks.   He immediately fell, and Rebecca heard a clatter from below— the prisoners.

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