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STEVE DIDN'T EVEN have much time to worry about Rebecca

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STEVE DIDN'T EVEN have much time to worry about Rebecca.

"Please, Fury. I care about nothing more than I care about her."

"Captain Rogers, we saw nothing else under the ice. If she was there, she was much further from the surface than you were."

"Then dig, Fury! Come on. You have to find her. She's there. I promise she's there."

"Alright, alright." He gave in. "But Captain— she doesn't have the serum. You know she's not as strong as you are. So if she is..." His statement trailed off, not wanting to say the next thing.

"I won't blame it on you," said Steve solemnly. He planned to blame it on himself, anyway. He shouldn't have let her come. He should have made her stay on the ground.

Fury had a team sent out to Canada once again to search for her, but before they even got there, a threat to New York came along, and this time, it wasn't just Nazis. Steve became part of a team called the Avengers, put together by his new friend Nick Fury, and together, they defeated the threat to the city and the entire world. Though the battle of New York was long, they won. That was all that mattered.

But not to Steve.

He had saved the world, but he didn't have her. He needed her now more than ever. Because now he lived in a nice apartment in Washington, D.C. all alone. There were pictures of the two of them saved by SHIELD. He had keepsakes, a copy of her dog tags, her things, held by the government when her mother died, even rolls of eight millimeter film he could play as many times as he wanted just to see her face. But all that wasn't the same. He wanted her.

And one morning, he got a phone call from Nick Fury himself telling him that he needed him to meet him at SHIELD's headquarters in the city, now. Steve did so, and when he got there, he was led to the 12th floor. Nick Fury greeted him as the elevator opened with one sentence.

"We found her."

Steve immediately pushed him aside to find Rebecca lying on a metal table. Her hands were crossed over her stomach and her eyes were closed. Steve walked over to her slowly, and everyone else in the room backed away. She looked just like she had when he last saw her. Only now, more peaceful. Maybe a bit paler.

He put his hand on top of hers. She did not move, and her hand was freezing cold, but he didn't care. He held it. With his hand on top of Bex's he turned to Fury, a slight hope in his eyes. Fury knew what he was asking without him having to say it.

"I'm sorry, Cap." Fury shook his head.

Steve looked back down at Rebecca. He continued to hold her hand and touched his forehead to hers, wishing her alive again. But nothing could do that.

𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗜, 𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗜, 𝗔𝗠𝗔𝗩𝗜 | steve rogersWhere stories live. Discover now