1: Episode 3, Dead in the Water

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Percy Jackson or Supernatural, nor do I own the scripts that I am using from Supernatural. All rights go to their respective owners.

Welcome to Lake Manitoc, WI, the Impala sped right by the sign, past a woman hanging up her laundry outside and over a bridge with a man fishing from the side of it.

Before too long, the car came to a stop outside the house belonging to the Carlton family. Sam and Dean climbed out of the Impala, the former smoothing out his shirt as they approached the door. Dean knocked, placing a hand on the fake ID in his pocket.

Across the street, Sam caught sight of a young man, maybe a teenager by the looks of him, standing at a distance. He seemed to be watching the two of them, but as soon as he noticed Sam's gaze, he looked away and started walking down the road. Sam shrugged off the uneasy feeling of being watched as a young and healthy, albeit looking rather sad and sleep-deprived at the particular moment, man answered the door.

"Will Carlton?" Dean asked, already knowing the answer.

Will nodded. "Yeah, that's right."

"I'm Agent Ford," Dean told him before gesturing to his brother, "This is Agent Hamill. We're with the US Wildlife Service."

Dean brandished the ID that he'd been holding, and Will Carlton invited them in for a few questions. Shortly after, they found themselves standing at the lake with Will. Bill Carlton was already seated on a bench nearby.

"She was about a hundred yards out," Will told them with a frown, "That's where she got dragged down."

"And you're sure she didn't just drown?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

Will nodded confidently. "Yeah. She was a varsity swimmer. She practically grew up in that lake. She was as safe out there as in her own bathtub."

Sam stared off into the lake as he spoke, "So no splashing? No signs of distress?"

"No, that's what I'm telling you," Will sighed.

Sam continued asking questions. "Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe some dark shape breach the surface?"

"No. Again, she was really far out there."

Dean glanced at the ground beneath them. "You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?"

Again, Will shook his head. Dean was beginning to feel like this conversation was a waste of his time. "No, never. Why? What do you think's out there?"

He shrugged. "We'll let you know as soon as we do."

Dean turned to head back to the car and find information elsewhere, but Sam spoke again before he made it very far, stopping him in his tracks, "What about your father? Can we talk to him?"

Will glanced over at his father for a moment and turned back to the pair with an unsure look. "Look, if you don't mind, I mean...he didn't see anything and he's kind of been through a lot."

"We understand," Sam told him with his best sympathetic smile. Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

The brothers started making their way over to the Impala, and Dean could've sworn he heard rustling in the trees surrounding the lake. He gazed in the sound's direction for a moment but couldn't catch any more movement besides a flurry of what seemed to be black hair. Based on a quick glance at his brother, it seemed like Sam had heard it as well.

"Dean, I think someone's following us," Sam told his brother as they both ducked into the car. "There was this kid, earlier at the Carlton house, watching us across the street. I'm thinking that was just him in the trees, too."

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