3: Episode 5, Bloody Mary

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"Sam, wake up," Dean shook his brother awake in the passenger seat after he parked the Impala.

With a wildly confused look in his eyes, Sam took in his surroundings to make sure everything was real. Dean was there, but Dean was always there. He turned to see Percy studying him from the back curiously, John's journal splayed across his lap. Sam now remembered handing over the journal and telling Percy to look through it for any sign of his mother earlier in the drive. Sure, Sam hadn't seen anything when he searched, but he didn't even know the woman. He thought Percy would see something between the lines, but judging by the hint of disappointment Sam caught in his eyes, that didn't seem to be the case.

"I take it I was having a nightmare," he finally settled on, looking back at Dean.

His brother nodded. "Yeah, another one."

"Hey, at least I got some sleep," Sam tried for a smile that was not reciprocated.

"You know, sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about this."

There was an awkward pause. Percy really wished he knew what was going on with the Winchesters besides knowing that they were brothers, Sam was in college at some point, and their father was missing.

"Are we here?" Percy couldn't deal with the silence much longer, and it didn't seem like Sam was going with the 'sooner' option.

"Yup," Dean grimaced. "Welcome to Toledo, Ohio."

Sam picked up the newspaper sitting on the dashboard and looked at the circled obituary. Thankfully, Percy hadn't needed to bother reading it based on the context clues he'd picked up from the brothers. Apparently, some guy in Toledo died from a medical mystery weird enough that he made the papers, and his eyes were gone. That's all the information Percy really needed.

Sam pointed at the paper in his hands. "So what do you think really happened to this guy?"

"That's what we're gonna find out," Dean shrugged. "Let's go."

All three of them got out of the car and headed towards the hospital entrance. Once inside, Sam took a quick glance at the nearest map before guiding them to room 144, the word Morgue printed above the door large enough that Percy read it effortlessly.

"Subtle," Percy noted, stepping inside while Dean held the door for him and Sam.

In the front of the morgue, two desks took up most of the space. One was empty with a name plaque sitting on it that Percy took one glance at and decided it wasn't worth the trouble, and the other one read 'Morgue Technician'.

"Hey," a young man at the second desk—Percy assumed he was either the technician or a liar—greeted.

Dean approached him with a grin. "Hey."

"Can I help you?" He looked at them quizzically.

"Yeah. We're the, uh...med students," Dean lied.


"Oh, Doctor...Figlavitch didn't tell you?" Dean looked at the tech like he was crazy. "We talked to him on the phone. He, uh, we're from Ohio State. He's supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse. It's for our paper."

The tech frowned. "Well, I'm sorry, he's at lunch."

"Oh, well, he said, uh...," Dean trailed off, "oh, well, you know, it doesn't matter. You don't mind just showing us the body, do you?"

"Sorry, I can't," he hardly looked apologetic, "Doc will be back in an hour. You can wait for him if you want."

"An hour? Ooh," Percy shook his head. "We gotta be heading back to Columbus by then."

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