7: Episode 9, Home

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Percy awoke from a restless and incredibly brief sleep to a fist pounding on his door. He opened his eyes with a groan, quite literally rolling out of bed and trudging over to the door. Dean's face greeted him from the other side, and he wasted no time in getting to the point of his visit.

"We're leaving for Kansas in half an hour," he told Percy. "Sam's having psychic dreams about our childhood home."

Percy blinked. He did not get enough sleep for this. "What?"

Dean furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong with you?"

"Just tired," Percy waved him off with a glare, "can we go back to the psychic thing?"

He'd had enough experience with people who could see the future to last him, like, twelve lifetimes, at least.

Dean ignored him. "Did you sleep at all? First Sam, now you. I don't wanna be worrying about this."

"Then don't," Percy told him definitively. "I'll be ready in thirty."

He shut the door in Dean's face before the conversation could continue. There was no need for a therapy session about Percy's horrid sleep schedule, especially not with Dean Winchester of all people. Maybe he was judging preemptively, but Dean didn't see like the kind of guy who'd be great at the whole 'talking about your feelings' thing. It wasn't like Percy could tell him the truth anyway.

Dean was right about one thing, though: Percy couldn't be the reason Sam or Dean got hurt. And he wouldn't, he was sure if it. He'd slept less and done more in the past. Quite frankly, Percy couldn't remember the last time he got a full eight hours.

As promised, he was waiting at the Impala exactly thirty minutes later with his small bag of belongings that he'd gathered throughout his time with the Winchesters. Dean gave him a wary glance but thankfully seemed to have given up on finishing their earlier conversation.

Without much conversation, the group climbed into the car and began their drive to Kansas.


"You gonna be alright, man?" Sam asked his brother as they pulled up outside the house.

Dean bit his bottom lip thoughtfully. "Let me get back to you on that."

They all got out of the car, and Sam took the liberty of knocking on the front door. A woman opened the door, and Percy had to assume it was the woman Sam saw in his dream based on his immediately widened eyes. He'd more fully explained the whole psychic dream situation to Percy on the way over, which included Percy's first interaction in which Sam was the one talking about Jessica. Percy wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't Sam having nightmares about his girlfriend being burned to death for weeks before it happened.

"Yes?" The woman at the door greeted them hesitantly.

Dean cleared his throat. "Sorry to bother you, ma'am, but we're with the Federal—"

"I'm Sam Winchester, and this is my brother, Dean," Sam interrupted, "We used to live here. You know, we were just drivin' by, and we were wondering if we could come see the old place."

"Winchester. Yeah, that's so funny," she glanced back towards the house, "You know, I think I found some of your photos the other night."

"You did?" Dean perked up.

She nodded and step aside. "Come on in."

The group headed inside, and the woman, who then introduced herself as Jenny, led them into the kitchen. There was a young girl doing homework at the table with a toddler jumping beside her in a playpen.

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