Its funny how he thinks your my girlfriend

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Hazels pov:

I woke up this morning feeling more refreshed than other mornings considering it was half 6. I heard my phone ringing from the bedside table Spencer was calling me.

"Hey Spence. What's what?" I said before yawning. Me and Spencer met 5 months ago in a coffee shop library type of thing. The way we met seemed very cliché in the moment. I noticed I started tuning out of the conversation until Spencer spoke up. "Hey Hazel. Hope I didn't wake you." I smiled at the sound of his voice "No you didn't wake me. I had been up exactly two minutes before you phoned. "I said laughing while tying my red hair up. "Okay good. I was just checking in to see what time you were coming to the Bureau?" I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom connected to my room and grabbed my toothbrush. "I am p2robably going to be there at the same time as my dad since he is picking me up. So probably at half 8. I said putting toothpaste on the toothbrush. I heard Spencer sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Okay Hazel. I'll see you then." I smiled "See you soon. Bye Spence." I said before hanging up the phone. I Quickly brushed my teeth and got changed into a pair of black jeans, a tank top and a plaid jacket over the top paired with my high top converse.

I went into the kitchen and made myself a coffee since I want that hungry. I was almost finished with my coffee when I heard a knock on the door. "Hey Dad." I said while engulfing him in a hug. "Hey sweetheart. You ready to go?" I nodded quickly grabbing my keys and locking my apartment door.

The drive to the BAU was quiet but peaceful. When we finally arrived my dad stopped me from opening the car door "Hazel please don't feel to nervous about meeting the team they are harmless." I nodded then got out of the car. Once the elevator opened I quickly found a place to clip the visitor badge and scurried out of the elevator following my dads fast strides.

We walked through the doors and I straight away was surrounded. "Nice to meet you Hazel. I'm Aaron Hotchner. This is JJ." He said pointing to a women with long blonde hair she smiled and shook my hand I then heard a loud voice booming through the bullpen. "Is the ray of sunshine hear yet-" I felt my cheeks heat up. "Oh my hello I'm Penelope but you can call me Pen or P, either works." Penelope said while hugging me. I hugged back and smiled at her "Nice to meet you." Aaron introduced everyone until it came to Spencer. "Spencer!" I said while hugging him around his neck. "Hazel!" He said while lifting me off of the ground.

Everyone looked shocked when we pulled apart. "Pretty boy how do you know Rossi's daughter?" Derek questioned. "We met a 5 months ago exactly on this day Spencer" said while smiling. I laughed and stood back beside my dad. "Well it's so nice to meet you all but I can't stay to long as I've got a job I've got to do". I said pointing at my notebook in my arms. Everyone said their goodbyes until my dad spoke up. "Hazel how are you going to get there? I brought you here." I mentally face palmed.

"If you want Haze I can take you?" Spencer said looking at Aaron for approvel Aaron nodded. "Yeah that would be great thank you." while walking beside him the the elevator.

Time skip

Spencer had dropped me off a hour ago back to my apartment. I sat at my desk in my study/libary with my laptop in front of me. On the screen I had open all my research on this terrorist that has been going all around America. "Where are you heading to next Mr. Terrorist?" I questioned out loud. Being a journalist was very difficult especially when you have a shitty boss. I tried quitting my job and finding a new news company to work for but my boss threatened to tell my co workers I slept with him to get a promotion. Men am I right.

I had been writing the essay about the Terrorist for a few hours until I heard a knock on my apartment door. I checked the time I noticed it was now 8pm. "Coming! I shouted while running to the door. Hello? Oh hi Spence what are you doing here?" I questioned before inviting him in. "Hey Hazel I wasn't going to come bother you but I didn't know who else to go to" Spencer said a rush in his voice. "That's okay. Come sit down and tell me what's going on." I said motioning to the couch. We both sat down and Spencer looked really nervous. "Hazel I got this note signed from the Terrorist." He said looking at me with his puppy dog brown eyes.

I looked at him in shock. "What does it say?" I questioned hesitantly. Spencer pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me.

Dear Dr. Spencer Reid

I am contacting you to tell you that in a few days another terrorist attack is going to occur.

Don't try to be a hero and try to figure out where the terrorism is going to take place.

Don't even think about telling your team about it otherwise you little girlfriends work place will be the next target.

From The Terrorist

I looked at Spencer in horror. "Oh my god." I said just above whisper. "Hazel I don't know what to do." Spencer said looking at me for advice. "Spencer you might have to tell the team." I said resting my hand cheek. Spencer moved into my hand and giggled a bit. I looked at him in confusion. "It's funny how he thinks your my girlfriend." I laughed and agreed.

"Hazel what do you think I should do? There is a 50/50 chance in this whole situation." I looked at Spencer with pity. I honesty didn't know what he should do.

"Maybe you should tell the team like I said and hope he doesn't threaten my work." Spencer looked at me with shock. "But what if he does bomb your work and you get seriously hurt or die?" I kissed Spencers cheek, "I can promise you if I'm anything like my dad I am 100% invincible." Spencer smiled and looked like he was blushing. "Okay Miss. Hazel Rossi." I laughed and hugged Spencer. He hugged back tighter.

"I am going to quickly phone Hotch. Is it okay if I stay here tonight I have my go bag in my car?" I nodded and watched Spencer walk off into the kitchen. I lent back and sighed into my hands. 'I need to quit my job for good' I thought to myself.


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