You're Pregnant?!

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I turned around to see Spencer down on one knee. Holy shit! I thought to myself. "Spence." Is all I could muster up to say. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Hazel. Before you say anything I want to say a few things." Spencer said adjusting on his knee. I almost let a giggle slip when he adjusted himself. "You are the most amazing person to walk into my life. You are so funny and drop dead gorgeous, you have a way to make a whole room laugh and brighten up even on bad days. I want to stick beside you through everything. I want to grow old with you. Start a family with you. I want to do everything with you. Hazel Rossi. Will you marry me?"

By the end of the speech I had tears running down my face. "Oh my. Yes! Spencer Reid I will marry you!" I said looking down and Spencer. Spencer put the ring on my finger before picking me up in a hug and spinning me around. I heard cheering from the other side of the bushes. I saw the whole team jumping from behind the bushes.

"Hazel I love you so much." Spencer said before leaning in and kissing me while placing my feet back down onto the ground.

"I love you too Spencer." I said mumbling into the kiss.

"Hazel can I say you are glowing." Penelope said after hugging me.

"Thank you Penelope." I said before hugging JJ.

"Yeah you really are." JJ said looking at me suspiciously. I tilted my head to the side.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I said looking between JJ, Penelope and Emily.

"This is going to sound weird but have you been throwing up in the mornings?" Emily whispered. I nodded.

"Yeah." I said tilting my head to the side then it clicked.

"Oh my god." The girls smiled at me.

"have you taken a pregnancy test?" I shook my head.

"Wait how can I be pregnant me and Spencer haven't been tryi-" That's when it hit me.

"I'm going to kill Spencer." I said digging my head into Emily's shoulder. The girls were confused.

I lifted my head up from Emily's shoulder just to say. "Lets just say Spencer's pull out game is weak." I said laughing. The girls laughed along with me so hard that we were all bent over trying to catch out breathes.

All the men looked at us strangely. "What is so funny?" Derek questioned putting his arm around Penelope.

"Nothing." I said quickly. Derek looked suspicious but nodded.

"Hey JJ." I said pulling her aside.

"Do you think you could buy me 2 pregnancy tests please." I said handing her change. JJ nodded and excused herself saying she'll be back.

I walked back over to Spencer and hugged his waist. "Where's JJ going?" He questioned while hugging me back.

"She said she needed to get something for Henry." I said digging my head into his chest. I heard Spencer laugh at my actions.


"Thank you." I said to JJ hiding the tests under my shirt.

"No problem. Just tell me what it says." She said while winking I agreed then walked to Spencer.

"Hazel sweetheart you look so tired." My dad said putting his arm around me. I just nodded.

"Spencer I think your fiancé is tired." My dad shouted to Spencer. When Spencer looked at me he just laughed and took me from my dads arms.

"Lets get you home sleeping beauty." Spencer said putting his arm around my shoulders. We said goodbye to everyone before walking home.


The next morning I took both of the pregnancy tests before Spencer woke up. When the timer went off I looked at them both. Positive. They both said positive. I was freaking out I phoned up JJ straight away.

"Hey Hazel whats up?" She said confused since it was 9am.

"Hey JJ. The test came back positive." I said whispering. I heard JJ squeal.

"Okay Hazel hide the test where Spencer wouldn't look. I will drop some stuff off to your apartment in 20 mins." JJ said rushing from the other end.

"Okay see you in 20." I said before hanging up. I hid the tests in a pair of my boots knowing Spencer wouldn't look in there.

20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see JJ holding a basket I looked at her confused.

"It has a baby bib in it and little converses. All you need to do is put the tests in there." JJ said handing me the box before hugging me.

"Congrats lovely now go tell Spencer." She said before walking off.

Okay then I thought to myself before going up to my room to see Spencer was still asleep. I placed the tests in the box.

"Hey babe wake up." I said moving his hair out of his face.

"Good morning beautiful." Spencer said hugging me.

"Good morning. Sit back I have a surprise for you." I said leaning back to grab the box. I placed it in his lap and he just looked at me funnily

"Open it." I said eagerly. Spencer opened it and straight away looked at me in shock.

"You're Pregnant?!" Spencer said looking between the box and me. I nodded, Spencer placed the box aside and tackled me in a hug.

"Holy shit we're going to be parents." Spencer said putting a hand on my stomach. I looked at Spencer in complete awe.

"Yes we are." I said kissing him.

"Who knows?" Spencer asked.

"JJ, Penelope and Emily." I said. Spencer scrunched his nose up.

"How did they know before me?" He asked while pulling me into his lap.

"They guessed last night." I said hugging his waist. Spencer hugged me back before kissing the top of my head. We stayed in each others arms all morning until we decided to watch movies the rest of the day.

"Babe should we wait to tell the rest of the team? Like wait until the 4 month mark." Spencer said looking down at me. I looked up at him from my spot in between his legs.

"Yeah I will just have to wear baggy clothes when the bump starts growing." I said kissing his cheeks before putting my focus back on the movie. Spencer's hands out of instinct laid on my stomach.

He is going to be such a good dad I thought to myself snuggling back into Spencer.

A/N She's pregoooo

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