Babe I can officially say that the nursery is finished

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Hazel 4 months later


The 4 months have been hell trying to hide it from the men of the team. Especially from profilers. My bump was starting to show more so that meant more baggy clothes for me. I was just in a world of my own until I got a text from Spencer.

Pool noodle <3

Hey babe the team are wondering if you wanted to join us for drinks? If you're up for it.

Future wife :)

Hey pretty boy! Yeah sure pick me up on your way to the bar.

I decided to go so it wouldn't seem suspicious. Obviously the girls knew I was pregnant but the men would 100% find it suspicious if I didn't go.

I heard Spencer walk through the door. "Hey babe." I sung as Spencer walked towards me.

"Hello beautiful." He said kissing me then kneeling in front of my small bump.

"Hello little one." He said before kissing my stomach. I audibly awed at the sight. Spencer hid his face in my stomach. He lifted my jumper up and started speaking to my bump.

"Hey baby. Mummy is trying to embarrass me but its not working." I heard Spencer say before standing up.

"You ready? The team are meeting us there." I nodded and followed Spencer out of the door locking it behind me.

"Babe are we going to tell the rest of the team when we get there?" I asked getting into the car.

"Might a swell." He said shrugging.


When we got to the bar it was packed. Spencer protectively placed a hand on my stomach and one around my shoulders. When we got to the booth my dad greeted me with kisses on my cheeks. The rest of them hugged me.

I sat on Spencer's lap to leave more room for the others. I felt one of Spencer's hands on my stomach.

"Here you go pretty girl." Derek said placing a shot in front of me. I thank him and waited for him to look away before sliding it over to Emily. She winked and took the shot before sliding it back to me. when Derek turned back to face me I pretended to make a disgusted face.

"Damn shotting it behind my back." I laughed before leaning back into Spencer.

The whole night was going smoothly until Aaron spoke up. "Spencer? Why are your hands securely placed on Hazels stomach?" He questioned leaning forward. This caught every ones attention. I looked back at Spencer and he nodded.

"Hazel is pregnant." Spencer said leaning his head on my shoulder. everyone cheered.

"Finally told them." Penelope said before taking a drink of whatever she was drinking.

"What do you mean finally baby girl?" Derek said raising a eyebrow.

"Us girls have known for 4 months." Penelope said laughing at the men's faces.

"I'm going to be a grandfather?" My dad said looking at me. I nodded and he stood up ushering me to stand up. He wrapped me into a hug before kissing my cheeks then doing the same to Spencer.

"Wait Hazel I gave you about 4 shots." Derek said with wide eyes looking at me and Spencer when we sat down.

I laughed. "have you not noticed Emily is pissed as a fart?" I questioned. Derek finally realised I was feeding Emily the shots.

"So whats the gender?" Aaron said.

"We have the ultra sound tomorrow." Spencer said with a big grin.

"Wow. You two are going to be great parents." Derek said tapping Spencer's shoulder as a congrats.


It was the next day. The day of the ultrasound. We were in the car heading to the ultrasound Spencer kept ranting about how he wants to know the gender but also doesn't. I couldn't help but laugh at his nervous rant.

When we finally arrived Spencer seemed to calm down a bit.

"Miss Rossi and Mr Reid?" The woman called out. Me and Spencer jumped up at our names.

"Hello both again. You guys ready to find out the gender?" The kind nurse asked. We both nodded.

"Congratulations your having a girl." I looked over at Spencer and could tell he was over the moon.

"My precious little girl." Was all Spencer could say.

"Would you like the photos?" The nurse asked.

"Yes please." I said before wiping the gel off of my stomach.

"Oh my god we are having a girl. She's going to be just like you a sassy little one." Spencer said kissing my head. I smiled up at him and said thank you to the nurse when she handed us the photos.

"how about we go to the office and tell the team?" I said after getting into the passengers seat. Spencer agreed before starting the car and heading to the office.


When we got to the office everyone was eager to know what the gender was.

"It's a girl." Spencer said out of excitement. Everyone congratulated us.

"Someone's excited." JJ said hugging Spencer. Spencer nodded furiously.

"Of course I am." He said coming to my side and hugging me. How can this man get more perfect I thought smiling to myself.




A little girl. Oh my god. She is going to be exactly like her mum. What if she looks like me and has her mums personality? All these thoughts were running through my head all day and all night.

It had been 2 months since we found out the gender of the little one. Me and Hazel said we would get married after the little angel was born so that we weren't rushing things.

Currently me and Hazel are decorating and building the nursery. By me and Hazel I really mean me but Hazel is heavily pregnant so its understandable that she isn't helping.

Hazel hasn't really had any weird cravings which I'm 100% Sure that if you asked her she would say she is glad she hasn't had weird cravings.

"Babe I can officially say that the nursery is finished." I said standing up from my spot on the floor. Hazel didn't reply. I look towards her and saw she was crying.

"Hazel what's wrong bug?" I asked kneeling in front of her in the rocking chair. she sniffled a few times before replying.

"It's just you're going to be such a good father." She said hugging me tightly.

"And you're going to be a good mum." I said rubbing her back. I heard her start to cry more. Whoops. I thought to myself.


Okay I'm sorry this is rushed but I promise the next chapters are going to be amazing.

Stolen Love~ Spencer reid x Oc Fem!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora