Get out of my office

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Hazels pov

I woke up this morning to a unfamiliar bed, I sat up and realised I was I Spencers bed. Spencer walked in with two cups of coffee in his hands and a book under his arm. "Good morning Hazel." Spencer said seeming more cheery. "Good morning Spencer." I said while grabbing the coffee cup from him and humming a thank you. "You ready to face your boss today?" Spencer asked while sitting down in front of me. I nodded "Yeah, I will message you after to tell you how it goes." Spencer hummed a response before continuing. "Oh and I know you don't have any clothes here so I went back to your apartment to grab you jeans and leggings." I looked at him in awe but then realised he didn't say he grabbed me any t-shirts. "Before you ask I didn't grab you any t-shirts because I assumed you just would want to live in hoodies and eating ice cream after quitting." I smiled at him cheeks burning up "Thank you Spencer and living in your hoodies is going to feel like a dream." Spencer smiled and his cheeks tainted pink.

After I finished my coffee I put it in the sink and said my goodbye to Spencer saying I will visit him at the office if he doesn't have a case. Now for the task at hand. Quitting my job.

Spencer had told me he drove my car back here so I could use it for today. I hopped In my car and drove to the newspaper building. As I walked in a lot of people smiled at me and said good morning. But one person caught my eye. "Leo!" I said while walking up to him. "Hey Hazel how are you?!" Leo said while hugging me. I'm good just gotta speak to your dad about something. Leo looked worried. "I'm quitting, I cant handle working for your dad any more." I said before slamming my hand over my mouth. "It's okay just because he's my dad doesn't mean you cant talk shit about him. I hate him too." I laughed. Well wish me luck! I exclaimed before heading to Mr. Jones office.

I knocked twice and waited to be let in. After I heard him say come in I walked in all my confidence throw out of the window. "Miss. Rossi. How may I help you?" He asked bitterly saying my name. "i came to talk to you about me Quitting and becoming a independent Journalist." I said sitting at his desk. Mr. Jones got up and closed his blinds before sitting in front of me. "You want to Quit? I guess you want everyone to know you slept with me to get this promotion." he said with a smirk. I looked at him in disgust. "One I didn't sleep with you. Two I don't give one if you tell them it doesn't concern me any more." I stood up and left his office not taking another look back.

I didn't get a text from Spencer so I assumed he didn't have a case. I sent him a quick text saying I quit fully and I then started driving to the bau. When I got inside everyone greeted me except my dad . "Dad can I speak to you in your office please?" I asked turning to him. He nodded and headed to his office. I followed behind him and shut the door. "Dad wha-" before I could finish my dad cut me off by whisper shouting at me. "You fucking slept with your boss to get a promotion?!" I flinched but covered it up. "What the fuck no?! He thinks if he can spread a rumour about me I will go back to working with his sorry ass". I said whisper shouting back. My dad looked like he didn't believe me. "Get out of my office." He said lowly. I looked at him confused. "I said get out"! He said properly shouting. I turned around and shut the door. Everyone looked at me shocked especially at my dads outburst. I just walked past everyone and headed to the elevator.

"Hazel." I heard Spencer shout from behind me. "I wont ask you what happened back there but you can tell me when your comfortable. I thought id give you the spare key to my apartment since you don't have one and we also have a case." I half smiled at Spencer. "Thank you Spencer. Be safe on the case." I said before kissing his cheek and getting in the elevator.

When I got back to Spencers apartment I just curled onto the sofa until Spencer came back home. It was the case of eat sleep repeat except Journalist style. Eat, sleep, research, repeat.

I decided to head off to bed and try message my dad tomorrow hoping he will have time to talk to me and let me explain what's going on.

Spencers pov

After I gave the key to Hazel I walked back into the bullpen and saw Dave surrounded by a shouting team. I joined the circle just to see what everyone is saying. JJ, Emily and Penelope were defending Hazel. I'm  assuming the argument was about Hazels boss. I decided to just go up to the round table and wait for Penelope to present the case.

Throughout the jet ride I couldn't stop thinking about Hazel. How beautiful she is. Her green eyes like emeralds staring into mine. Her beautiful smile and dimples. Her freckles that lightly litter her skin. Her plump lips. I wish I could kiss her lips all day. But she doesn't like me like that. She just sees me as a friend. I keep telling myself that until we get to Las Vegas where are next case is.

I always hate visiting Las Vegas since my mum passed away a year ago. (In the story Diana passes away because I don't want to mess up anything to do with schizophrenia) This case has to be the worst case It's involving children who are getting kidnapped and raped then killed and dumped on the side of the road. When we landed in Las Vegas I just felt this gloomy feeling wash over me. None of the team knew my mum passed away last year the only person who knows is Hazel. I smiled at the thought of Hazel.

Before I knew it we were at the police department. I got out of the car and headed for the doors. When we walked in all eyes were on us. "Hello, Agent Aaron Hotchner and Agent Spencer Reid. The Sherrif said. It's Doctor Reid." I said before following JJ to the conference room. 'This is going to be a long day.' I thought to myself.

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